Global Strategy On Infant and Young Child Feeding Plan of Action-2008 Afghanistan Dr. S. Mojahed Hashimi December 12, 2007
National Plolicy, Program and Coordination Revitalization of national and regional nutrition coordination committees Establishment of coordination between Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Education on IYCF (including medical teaching faculties) Conduct national nutrition survey
Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Training of 14 Maternity hospitals in different provinces Establishment of community mother supporting groups Assessment of trained hospital (internal and external)
Implementation of the International Code F/U of finalization of national Code Sensitization of health committee of Parlemint Training of Code monitorers at national and provincial level Reporting the violation cases ???
Maternity Protection Sesitizating discussion with MoLSA 16 weeks paid maternity leave 8 weeks non-paid leave Having supportive creche in working place ( including private sectores)
Health and Nutrition Care Strengthening nutrition component of Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) Inclusion of IYCF in in-service and pre-service training curricula Training of health staff from tertiary level till community level on 3-in-1
Community Outreach Integration of BF promotion activities in current community projects Strengthening Afghanistan Breastfeeding Promotion Partners (ABPP) Training of community mother supporting group
Information Support Conducting national BF communication campaign Celebration of WBW at national and provincial level Production of TV/Radio spots on BF
Infant Feeding and HIV Sensitization of AIDS department of Ministry of Public Health on IYCF Integration of BF messages in other relevant IEC material (e.g. AIDS messages)
Infant Feeding during Emergencies Translation of Infant feeding during Emergencies training module in local languages Conducting training of health staff on Infant feeding during Emergencies
Monitoring and Evaluatin Develop monitoring tool Strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation system at national and provincial level Allocation of specific fund for Monitoring and Evaluation to ABPP Support conducting localized research on BF at district level by medical universities Strengthening reporting system