Environmental Science: Everything Is Connected
What is Environmental Science? is the study of the air, water, and land surrounding an organism or a community It includes the study of the impact of humans on the environment.
INTERACTION The relation between species that live together in a community; specifically, the effect an individual of one species may exert on an individual of another species
NATURAL RESOURCE INTERDEPENDENCE a. Means that all natural resources depend on one another. b. Humans use animals; animals use natural resources etc. c. Plants provide for needs, animals and plants inter-depend
Tragedy of the Commons Shared resources are used up because no one person has ownership What are some examples in your life?
Tragedy of the Commons Assignment Write down your own example of a common resource How is this resource misused? What is the problem with the resource being used this way? What could be done to fix the problem?
Mother Earth How do you think the Tragedy of the Commons relates to Earth? Draw a picture of the results might be if we do not find a solution to this problem.
Fishing Activity In groups of 3 or 4: put 4 fish for each person in the pond Each person takes turns fishing. You may take 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 fish each 0= you & family die 1= you & your family die 2= you & your family have just enough to eat 3= you & your family live & can sell extra fish for $
Fishing Activity Write down how many fish you started with and how many fish each person took (Use first initials of each person’s name) Then calculate or count how many fish are left in the pond 1 person in the group will be responsible for adding fish after each round. Add the number of fish yopu have left after fishing. Ex: If you have 2 left, add 2. If you have 11 left, add 11 Then Fish another round until your paper is complete
Tragedy of the Commons
Shared Resources are used up because no one person has ownership Tragedy of the Commons Shared Resources are used up because no one person has ownership What did you learn from playing the fishing game? What was the secret to making sure all families lived? What are some natural resources that are common resources? What are the global commons? Are these being used wisely?