WOU Budget Committee February, 23 2018
New & Currently Scheduled Capital Projects Natural Sciences Remodel $8,700,000 ITC Phase 3 $6,000,000 OMA $8,200,000 Student Advising $241,000 COMPLETE Note that Natural Sciences was #3 on the Sightlines and that is in progress.
Capital Project Priority List 2019 – 2025 Biennia Old Education Building. $15 Million New (ish) Physical Ed. $15 Million Health Sciences Building $20 Million APSC $10 Million Rice Auditorium $10 Million McArthur Stadium $10 Million TOTAL: $80 Million TOTAL DM Offset: 24% This was presented to the Presidents Cabinet and this is their recommendation for priority order. We looked at greatest need in terms of Cost, Impact on Enrollment, Differed Maintenance and ability to raise funding. The revision of the Master Plan also will help shape our priorities. We have a total of $37 Million in Deferred Maint.
WOU Capital Project Request List Priority List of Capital Projects
1. Old Education Renovation / Replacement Built in 1965 35,000 sq. ft. Reinforced Concrete & Masonry Needs: HVAC Modernization for control and energy efficiency. Seismic Upgrades. Asbestos Abatement. Reconfigure and Insulate to modern specifications. Elevator Modification for controls. Sprinkler System. Deferred Maintenance Offset: $875,000 (2% of Total Campus DM) Approximate Cost: $15 Million to Demo and replace State Paid: $12 Million & Institutional/Donor Paid: $3 Million BUILDING DESCRIPTION The Education building is a two-story concrete and masonry structure located in the academic core of campus and housed many of the offices and classrooms for the College of Education. It has the largest general-purpose classroom on campus, but its other classrooms are much smaller and are generally awkward in shape and size. While it appears to be structurally sound, it is identified as a high risk building in an Earthquake Life Safety Risk Assessment report. Its post tension construction and low floor to ceiling height would require unique and expensive solutions to properly address the seismic issues and the indoor air quality needs of the building. (There is no room for ductwork above the ceilings.) With the exception of a new chiller installed in 2008, the primary mechanical and electrical systems still feature the original, now obsolete, equipment. An elevator was installed in 1996 but the building has no fire protection systems and the majority of the building still has the original floor tile containing asbestos material. Some abatement occurred last year as part of the Natural Science surge space preparation. the jury is out as to whether this building is better upgraded or demolished and replaced. We are currently working with SRG to do a study to determine the best course, but if renovated, it does have significant deferred maintenance.
2. New Physical Education Building This renderings were done by Mike Elliot. Trying to show conceptually was NPE could look like. Right side is Elevator and Offices and Conference Spaces. Left side shows addition that theoretically would contain additional locker rooms, weight room and campus classrooms for Dance and E &G.
2. New Physical Education Building Built in 1971 62,000 sq. ft. Reinforced concrete Needs: Need 2 additional locker rooms 3 more is ideal but you only need 4 to host tournaments. Move Weight room from out under stadium (All student athletes). Training room expanded. Need private spaces for both Men and Women. Add more classroom space and Offices. Plus renovate existing. Storage spaces. HVAC ADA elevator and bathroom. New flooring in “rubber room”. New Seating w/ Seat backs on both sides. Replace all gym floors. All Campus Classrooms. Deferred Maintenance Offset: $3,720,000 (10% of Total Campus DM) Approximate Cost: $15 Million State Paid: $12 Million & Institutional/Donor Paid: $3 Million The New PE building is a cast-in-place concrete structure located on the western edge of the academic core approximately five minutes (walking) from the Administration Building. It houses WOU's indoor varsity athletic courts as well as the majority of offices and of the athletic department and two multipurpose classrooms. Classes, activities, and public events are heavily scheduled year-round in New PE. Since it has no elevator, the faculty offices, located on the second floor, are not ADA accessible.
3. Health Sciences Building Begin Construction 2021 40,000 sq. ft. TBD Needs: Home for Physical Therapy program. Home for Graduate studies for Health Science. Classrooms, Offices. Labs. Physical Therapy Rooms. (Weyerhaeuser Center for Health Sciences @ Puget Sound University) Deferred Maintenance Offset: N/A Approximate Cost: $20 Million State Paid: $15 Million & Institutional/Donor Paid: $5 Million BUILDING DESCRIPTION: The proposed Building will house the Physical Therapy program as well as graduate studies for Health Science. A possible location for this structure is on the western edge of the academic core in the parking lot North of the DeVolder Science Building. This location ideally places it next to the sciences as well as close to the Athletic training facilities. Classes, labs, activities, and public events would be scheduled here.
4. Academic Programs and Support Center Built in 1955 & Remodeled 1966 44,000 sq. ft. Reinforced Concrete Needs: HVAC upgrades (very challenging due to building design). Seismic Upgrade. Re-Roof. Replace glass Exterior Windows and Doors. Electrical Upgrade. Plumbing Upgrade. Sprinkler System Improvements. Deferred Maintenance Offset: $3,080,000 (8% of Total Campus DM) Approximate Cost: $10 Million for Remodel State Paid: $10 Million & Institutional/Donor Paid: $0 BUILDING DESCRIPTION: The APSC building, as it exists today, serves as the center for several university student support programs including Academic Advising and Learning Center, Admissions, Disability Services, Honors Program, International Admissions and Advising, Student Enrichment Program, and the Writing Center. A small portion of the first floor is dedicated to the Music Department and houses a few offices and a recording studio. Prior to 2000, APSC served as the college library, the first building in the history of the college to serve exclusively as such. When the new Hamersley Library opened in 2000, minor renovations were completed to repurpose the vacated library into the current status as a center for student programs. In 2002 a five-stop elevator was constructed between the original building and the addition. The project included remodeling the restrooms on the first floor and adding two single restrooms on Level 4. In 2005 windows were cut into each floor between each column on the south elevation of the 1966 addition, and a new multi-stack chiller was installed in the east mechanical room to serve that portion of the building.
5. Rice Auditorium Needs: Built in 1974 27,667 sq. ft. Commercial construction Steel & Concrete Needs: HVAC upgrades. ADA Upgrades. Replace glass Exterior Windows and Doors. Electrical Upgrade. Plumbing Upgrade. Second floor Balcony. Elevator. Construction shop addition for stage sets and props. Deferred Maintenance Offset: $830,000 (2% of Total Campus DM) Approximate Cost: $10 Million for Remodel State Paid: $8 Million & Institutional/Donor Paid: $2 Million BUILDING DESCRIPTION: Rice seats 619 people in this 27,667 square foot performance facility. The building houses faculty offices for the Theatre and Dance Department and Ticket Box Office. Additionally this building hosts the Smith Fine Arts Series.
6. McArthur Stadium Built in 1980 11,000 sq. ft. Reinforced Concrete Needs: Add Elevator. Remodel Press/Coaches Boxes. Electrical Upgrades. Install Field Turf to accommodate soccer and football. Re-surface track and relocate one long jump area. Replace Stadium lights in order to have evening events. Restroom and concessions remodels. Deferred Maintenance Offset: $330,000 (Less than 1% of Total Campus DM) Approximate Cost: $10 Million for Remodel State Paid: $5 Million & Institutional/Donor Paid: $5 Million BUILDING DESCRIPTION: This version of McArthur Stadium serves the entire campus population. Primarily used for Athletic events such as football and track, it also frequently serves as a gathering place for large community sponsored events and our annual graduation. It seats approximately 1600 people and has a press box/coaches box that is only accessible via stairs. Underneath the stadium is the primary Athletics weight room and training area. Two offices are also located in this space.
Ideas for other projects? Questions? Comments? Ideas for other projects?