A.P. World History Urban Revival and the Renaissance!
Feudalism and Manor Life Middle ages 500-1500 Feudalism- lords awarded land to vassals. In exchange vassals made sure the land would be protected. Class structure- Monarch (top), Nobles and knights(middle) Serfs (bottom
Life on a Manor Manors were self-sufficient. Serfs worked the land for vassals Knights protected land. Code of Chivalry- a knight must be virtuous.
Catholic Church Shapes Feudal Society! Monasteries preserved many Latin and Greek manuscripts. Gave cultural cohesion in Europe during a time of decentralization!
Population Growth trade and commerce 1000-1300 Trade and Commerce became larger role in society. (feudalism is dying) Different jobs develop (bankers, merchants, traders Guilds develop (kind of like Unions) Urbanization develops (people moving from manors to towns and cities). Cities were often over-crowded and polluted. Much Povery. More opportunities for social advancement. Immunity from feudal obligation “a year and a day”
Black Death (Plague) Arrived in mid-14th century After killing millions in China, disease traveled to middle east, then W. Europe Reached Europe in 1347. Caused panic throughout Europe. (many thought world was ending Killed one-third of the population of Europe (25-30 million people.
3 Field System Grew crops on 2/3 of the field and planted 1/3 in oats Oats rejuvenated soil. Increased amount of farmland+food production!
New Technologies Water Wheels Windmills Water power Blast Furnaces Expansion of Iron Disadvantages- Pollution and deforestation
Art, Architecture and Literature Romanesque architecture- thick walls, small windows, square build Gothic architecture ( tall, stained glass, carving, flying buttress
Printing Press The printing press inspired people to learn to read. They began to think for themselves. The Church was no longer the answer to all their questions.
The Renaissance A period from 1300 to 1699. An explosion of creativity in art and learning. Also, astronomy, philosophy and mathematics. The Renaissance
Humanism A study that focused on human potential and achievement. Humanist popularized subjects like history, literature, astronomy and philosophy.
Scholasticism Synthesizing Reason and Faith (philosophy and religion
Patron Those wealthy merchants who gave money to support artist, build theaters and museum. De’Medici Family Italy was a wealthy country from trade with the Middle East
Secular A person who is worldly. Live for the here and now. Drastic change from Middle Ages.
Michelangelo Designed St. Peter’s Basilica in 1546. Carved the David in 1501 Painted the Sistine Chapel from 1508 to 1512. Michelangelo
Leonardo da Vinci A painter, sculpture, inventor and scientist. A true “Renaissance Man”. Painted the Mona Lisa and the “The Last Supper”
Hundred Years War 1337-1453 England vs. France Joan of Arc helps to drive English out of France (English were winning) War ended awkward connections between French and English Royal Families. Helped French Kings centralize power.
Spain and Portugal Were taken over by Muslim invaders (moors). Reconquista- Spanish drive muslims out of spain. Would eventually be defeated by Isabella and Ferdinand who created Spain. Muslims and Jews must convert or leave spain.