Gridsphere installation at CERN and other topics GANMVL meeting at GSI, Darmstadt Sven Karstensen, DESY
GANMVL meeting at GSI, Sven Karstensen, DESY Gridsphere and CALICE Installation of 2.1(b) : Done by Alessandro on a CALICE slow control SUSE Linux PC, running at CERN the last 7 days of experiment Using VNC on 2 systems, Linux and Windows Tunnel (Netlet)works fine User feedback: Everything from "it's not working" to "phantastic“ 31. October 2006 GANMVL meeting at GSI, Sven Karstensen, DESY
GANMVL meeting at GSI, Sven Karstensen, DESY Gridsphere problems Changing a password for a registered user is only possible via root account it should be possible to register several users with the same e-mail address. Browser problems (sometimes it works, sometimes not) Java took 99% of CPU time after restart of TOMCAT everything was fine again Adding new user deletes settings of application configuration Changing password is not possible for the user VNC window should be more flexible in dimensions 31. October 2006 GANMVL meeting at GSI, Sven Karstensen, DESY
GANMVL meeting at GSI, Sven Karstensen, DESY CALICE collaboration CAlorimeter for the LInear Collider Experiment 31 institutes, 12 countries, 200 physicists and engineers 3 parts: HCAL (Hadron CALorometer) ECAL (Electron CALorimeter), Tailcatcher 1st run period at CERN June – October 2006 2nd period April 2007 at CERN? 3rd period August 2007 -> FERMILAB 31. October 2006 GANMVL meeting at GSI, Sven Karstensen, DESY
GANMVL meeting at GSI, Sven Karstensen, DESY CALICE at CERN 31. October 2006 GANMVL meeting at GSI, Sven Karstensen, DESY
GANMVL meeting at GSI, Sven Karstensen, DESY VRVS, EVO and SKYPE VRVS problems with setup sometimes problems with participation EVO (VRVS) easy setup too slow with DSL SKYPE easy setup speed OK with DSL, also for video bad reliability 31. October 2006 GANMVL meeting at GSI, Sven Karstensen, DESY
GANMVL meeting at GSI, Sven Karstensen, DESY VNCserver and viewer Starting VNCserver from remote machine by script using EXPECT and SSH SSH port tunneling to server computer Automatic connection to other UNIX machines possible WINDOWS and MAC connection not tested Problem: how to implement into servlet / server Test of professional VNCserver - video is possible (just as a speed test) 31. October 2006 GANMVL meeting at GSI, Sven Karstensen, DESY
GANMVL meeting at GSI, Sven Karstensen, DESY Grisphere questions TAR-ball / documentation for user installation? How many products are in gridsphere included? What part is self made? Tunnel port fixed / make it more flexible in configuration HR camera only under windows / java applet would be nice Maintenance after GANMVL? 31. October 2006 GANMVL meeting at GSI, Sven Karstensen, DESY