Web Design Unit 5
Web Design Overview: Basics of html introduced for design and development of web pages based on students own culture, interests, and unique experiences. A variety of of stylistic elements of css are include and offer a way of separating style from content. Introduction of computer science concept of abstraction.
Today’s Lesson Objectives: Explain Basic security issues on the internet. Identify web applications that influence society and education. Identify appropriate vs. inappropriate use of social websites. Create a storyboard for a web page.
Discussion Which social networking applications do you use? How often? How many of your friends use them? How important are these web applications to your lives? How have they changed your lives? Living their lives essentially online A revolution in the classrooms and in the social life. Self expression, trying on new Identities. 10 minute discussion
Creation of Storyboard Brainstorm ideas for website (5 min) Create storyboard for web page (30 min) Gallery Walk (today or next class) (15 min) See P. 107
Brainstorm ideas for website See p. 107
Example of Storyboard See Teacher example Examples: Baseball Football Job search College Search Prom Dutch Sight Dress Swap Sight
Storyboard Create Storyboard (Pair Team) Materials Blank Paper Pencils, colored pencils, markers Post its (for Gallery)
Gallery Walk Need Post its Each student get 3 post its. Write constructive comment to improve storyboard Logistics: Walk around
Resources ECS (Exploring Computer Science v6.1 Mischook, Stefan: Web Design Start Here
Video Growing up Online (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/kidsonline/) http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/video/flv/gener ic.html?s=frol02p4e&continuous=1 Insert DVD Video
Reflection After viewing video: Growing Up online, did any of your thoughts change after viewing the video?