Rita De Masi IPHC-Strasbourg on behalf of the IPHC-IRFU collaboration A fast, full-scale, CMOS pixel sensor with integrated zero-suppression and its evolution towards the ILD vertex detector Rita De Masi IPHC-Strasbourg on behalf of the IPHC-IRFU collaboration Motivations Main features of MIMOSA-26 First applications and architecture extensions Evolution towards the ILD-VTX R&D Summary and perspectives SOCLE 2009
A vertex detector for the ILD Physics goals + running conditions single point resolution ~ 3m material budget ~0.2% X0/layer integration time 25 – 100 s radiation tolerance > 300Rad, few 1011neq/cm2 P < 0.1 – 2 W/cm2 IP = a b/psin3/2 a = 5m, b = 10m GeV Radius: 16 – 60 mm for DL, 15 - 60 mm for SL SOCLE 2009
Features of CMOS sensors Signal collection Charges generated in epitaxial layer → ~1000 e- for MIP Charge carriers propagate thermally In-pixel charge to signal conversion Advantages High granularity Thickness (~O(50mm)) Integrated signal processing Issues Undepleted volume limitations radiation tolerance intrinsic speed Small signal O(100e-)/pixel In-pixel m-circuits with NMOS transistors only SOCLE 2009
Basic performances more than 30 different sensors designed, fabricated and tested (lab & beam) extensive use of AMS 0.35mm OPTO process room temperature operation noise ~10-15e- S/N ~ 15-30 detection efficiency ~100% fake hit rate ~10-4 -10-5 Radiation tol. > 1MRad and 1013neq/cm2 with 10mm pitch (2x1012neq/cm2 with 20mm pitch) spatial resolution 1-5 mm (pitch and charge-encoding dependent) SOCLE 2009
Mimosa 26 column parallel architecture + integrated zero-suppression (MIMOSA-22 for binary output + SUZE-01 for ) Fast full scale sensors: ~10kFrame/s active area ~2 cm2 0.35 mm technology. binary output (3.5 - 4 m spatial resolution) in-pixel CDS + preamp. column level discrimination power dissipated ~280 mW/cm2 (rolling shutter) radiation tolerance (from M22): > 150kRad Pixel array: 576 x 1152, pitch: 18.4 µm Active area: ~10.6 x 21.2 mm2 13.7 mm 1152 column-level discriminators Zero suppression logic Memory IP blocks 21.5 mm 6 wafers x 77 sensors produced 27 (~700 m thick) + 6 (120 m thick) sensors tested: fabrication yield ~90% SOCLE 2009
Laboratory tests Analogue response for 8 different sensors: All pixels are alive. Noise is uniform across the sensitive area (~2cm2). Operated from 80 MHz (nominal) down to 20 MHz. Noise and CCE (from 55Fe source) as expected (like MIMOSA-22). Digital response for 21 different sensors: All discriminators are operational at nominal speed. Discriminator noise like MIMOSA-22. Analogue + digital response: Total noise 0.7 mV (~12-13 e- ENC) like MIMOSA-22. Zero-suppression works as expected. Full chain: Fake hit rate O(10-4) @ 6N discri. threshold. Performances unchanged for 20 < T < 40 Array of 660,000 pixels coupled to 1152 discriminators works ~ as expected SOCLE 2009
EUDET beam telescope DUT Reference planes of EUDET Beam Telescope Supported by EU FP6. Infrastructure to support the ILC detector R&D. Specifications: - extrapolated resolution <2 mm - sensor area ~2 cm2 - read-out speed ~ 10 kframe/s - up to 106 hits/s/cm2 x z y MIMOSA 26 Commissioning @ CERN-SPS last Summer: At first 3 MIMOSA-26 mounted in the BT demonstrator. Residuals compatible with s ~3.5 – 4mm . BT completely equipped with M26 (6 planes ~700 mm thick) last September. www.eudet.org SOCLE 2009
TAPI beam test TAPI = IPHC-Strasbourg BT for MIMOSA development. Test in September @ CERN-SPS. 120 GeV p- beam 6 MIMOSA-26 sensors (5 for telescope + 1 DUT) running simultaneously at nominal speed (80MHz). 3 x 106 triggers (~80% events reconstructed). Detailed characterization ongoing. SOCLE 2009
TAPI preliminary beam test results Optimal discri. threshold @ ~ 6 x noise Efficiency > 99.5% with a fake hit rate ~ 10-4 s ~ 4.5 mm (under investigation) Chip operational for the final EUDET BT Architecture validated for its extension to other applications SOCLE 2009
Mimosa 26 architecture: evolutions STAR @ RHIC Heavy Flavour Tracker PHASE-1 (no ) 640 x 640 pixels (30 mm pitch) → ~ 4cm2 active area 640 s integration time Currently under test at LBNL Final sensor (MIMOSA-26 like) ~1.1 million pixels (18.4mm pitch); ~200s integration time Submission early 2010 → First data 2012/2013 Meeting with DoE this week for CD1 CBM @ FAIR Micro Vertex Detector Double sided readout 0.18 mm (40→20s integration time) Improve radiation tolerance Prototyping until 2012 SOCLE 2009
From MIMOSA-26 to the ILD-VTX From 0.35 mm to (<)0.18 mm feature size improved clock frequency, more metal layers, more compact peripheral circuitry, … Extension for the outer VTX layers: ~100 ms integration time ~ 35 mm pitch and 4-5 bits ADC (2 architectures developed at IPHC) 2x2 cm2 For the inner layers: ~ 15 mm pitch → binary readout. Double-sided r.o. → i.t. ~ 50 ms. Smaller feature size → 35 – 40 ms. Exploit the DL design to reduce the i.t.: elongated pixels on one side of the ladder with depleted epitaxial layer ~10 ms time resolution may be possible. SOCLE 2009
High resistivity sensitive volume High resistivity epitaxial layer Faster charge collection Shorter path length (improved tolerance to non-ionising radiation) Larger CCE (larger pitch possible without affecting the detection efficiency) Exploratory sensor: MIMOSA 25 (0.6 mm technology) e = 99.9% (99.5% after irradiation @ 3 x 10 13 neq/cm2) S/N ~60 (~30 after irradiation, ~25 for low res. epi-layer before irradiation) 0.35 mm technology run foreseen Also: VDSM technology under study in coll. with CERN for sLHC (LePIX) (<< 1 ms) Interest expressed also by the ALICE community ZOOM SOCLE 2009
Further developments: 3D Benefits: Increase integrated processing 100% sensitive area Select best process per layer task To be assessed: Material budget? Power dissipation? Example Tier1: charge collection Tier2: analog signal processing Tier3: digital signal processing Tier4: data transfer FNAL + IN2P3 + INFN + … consortium First run (2 Tiers) submitted to Chartered-Tezzaron 3 CAIRN prototypes submitted (low power, few ms r.o., delayed readout with timestamp). Heterogeneous chip (combining high resolution and small feature size). SOCLE 2009
Summary and perspectives First full scale sensor with high read-out speed Architecture can be adapted to the different needs of inner and outer ILD-VTX layers Inner: 2-sided r.o. + elongated pixels (high res. epi.) on DL design ~10 ms. Outer: increase pitch + ADC ~100 s. New perspectives: 3D integration technology 3 CAIRN prototypes submitted (low power, few ms r.o., delayed readout with timestamp). Heterogeneous chip (combining high resolution and small feature size). Particularly interesting for 1 TeV run. More information on http://www.iphc.cnrs.fr/-CMOS-ILC-.html SOCLE 2009