Ancient India Another mystery?
Subcontinent Area that separates one part of a continent from the rest of it. Why is India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh called a “subcontinent”?
Why here?
Geological advantages/disadvantages Area bordered by Indus and Ganges rivers. Himalaya mountains acted as boundary. Rivers afforded fertile land, as in Mesopotamia Flooding also common. Monsoons made situation worse.
Timeline of Civilization 7000 BCE -- evidence of settled area 3200 BCE -- people farming in villages 2500 BCE – cities are developing Mohenjo-Dara Harappa 1500 BCE – end/decline of civilization
Contributions/Traits Evidence of cities being VERY well planned Citadel – central, fortified area with major city buildings Grid system Separation of residential from business areas Advanced plumbing for times – actually had bathrooms in houses!
Trade Evidence of stable economy Goods from India found in Sumer Children’s toys discovered Shows prosperity Goods from India found in Sumer shows long distance trade
Institutions/Language Evidence of early writing discovered Unclear if it is origin of Sanskrit Evidence of worshiping of gods discovered Unclear if it is origin of Hinduism
Mysterious End? Historians unsure why Indus Valley civilizations ended. Theories? River changed course? Citizens over-used land/resources? Attack by foreign invaders?