Game Title
Story This is where you would post the story for your game. Your story should explain why there is a locked box in the room as well as why it is important for the players to open it.
Directional Multilock: Locks Setup 123 3 - Digit Lock: 1234 4 - Digit Lock: Directional Multilock: HELLO ABC Multilock:
Game Overview In this part of the video you provide an overview of the game flow and the steps to solve the puzzles.
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Directional Multilock The Locks 3-Digit Lock 4-Digit Lock Key Lock ABC Multilock Directional Multilock Color Multilock Number Multilock Shape Multilock
Boxes and Other Kit Items USB Drive Small Box Hint Cards Hasp Breakout EDU Box UV Pen UV Flashlight Reflection Cards Breakout EDU Decoder Lens
Lock Other Clipart
Font Logos Colors #006699 #006699 #FFFFFF