Liquid Waste Management in General Hospital Ulin Banjarmasin Prof. Dr. Qomariyatus S, Amd., Hyp., ST., Mkes NIP. 19780420 20050 1 002 Rd Indah Nirtha Nilawati Nps, S.T., M.Si. NIP. 19770619 200801 2 019 PROGRAM S1 OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING STUDY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING LAMBUNG MANGKURAT UNIVERSITY Rahmat Pratama Putra H1E112041 Mentari Putri Karina H1E113208 Clara Chintya H1E113057 Meredith Kartika Puteri H1E113216
Background Problem solving Aim and Objective Benefit Hospital is one of the Institution for health service with core of activity prevention service, curative, rehabilitation and promotive.These activities will generate positive and negative impacts. Problem solving how hospital waste will affect the environment, how to prevent and tackling the effect of hospital waste Aim and Objective the society will know the character and effect of hospital waste to environment. Knowing the types of Hospital waste. Benefit From this opinion the government can know the potential of the waste, and not just throw it away into the environment with
LITERATURE REVIEW Hospital Source: Simanjuntak, 2010 Waste Source: Arifin, M. 2008 Hospital waste Source: Adisasmito 2007 Waste management Source: Ginting 2007
General Hospital Ulin Banjarbaru METHODS Background field studies Literature Review Problem solving Data collection Primary data Study of literature test Samples Secondary Data General Hospital Ulin Banjarbaru
Results and Discussion A. Results 1. Physical Water 2. Water Chemistry No Parameter Results The Maximum Permitted Levels*) 1 humanity 28 ̊C air temperature +/- 3 2 TDS 96 mg/L 30 No Parameter Results The Maximum Permitted Levels*) 1 pH 7,44 6-9 2 BOD 5.90 mg/L 30 3 COD 15.45 mg/L 80 4 TSS 8,0 mg/L -
B. Bacteriological water A. Water Chemistry No Parameter Results The Maximum Permitted Levels*) 1 pH 6.3 6-9 B. Bacteriological water NO Parameter Unit Results 1 Coliform MPN/100 mL 2 E.Coli 54000
B. Main results pH Results of laboratory tests before and after wastewater treatment is the same, namely 7.44 and the 6.3. It shows the pH value is in the quality standards and the waste water is neutral TDS TDS test results using only secondary data from the hospital. TDS in wastewater for this parameter is only associated with other parameters. Relation if the TDS value is low, the value of other parameters such as TSS, BOD and COD will also be low. TSS TSS test results using only secondary data from the hospital, because of limitations of time and inadequate laboratory. The results still meet effluent standards for hospitals in South Kalimantan Governor Decree No. 04 of 2007. BOD BOD test results using only secondary data from the hospital, because of limitations of time and inadequate laboratory. Based on the results of the output in the last 1 month shows the waste water BOD levels of 5.90 mg / L after wastewater treatment. The results still meet effluent standards for hospitals in South Kalimantan Governor Decree No. 04 of 2007.
COD COD test results using only secondary data from the hospital COD COD test results using only secondary data from the hospital. Based on the results of the output in the last 1 month showed that wastewater COD is 15.45 mg / L after wastewater treatment. The results still meet effluent standards for hospitals in South Kalimantan Governor Decree No. 04 of 2007. Microbiology Results of microbiological examination using only primary data obtained from testing the samples in the laboratory of Engineering Center for Environmental Health and Disease Control (BBTKLPP) Banjarbaru.
Conclusions and recommendations sanitation and hygiene are already qualified. waste water quality above standard quality, value E.coli ≥54.000 or exceed the quality standards are ≥10.000 Recommendation Every government hospitals or private hospitals must be considered seriously good sanitation and hygiene not only in hospitals room, the environment and the installation of reservoirs and waste water treatment it must also be considered to.
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