Crossing Over Genetic Recombination Jack Cassidy, Jessica Matthews, Keith Murphy, Mike Nickelsburg
21 Apr Overview Who, What, When, Where, Why Basics Example Summary
Who Does Crossing-Over Effect? Eukaryotes Limited in Prokaryotes
What is Crossing Over? The exchange of chromosomal segments between two non- sister chromatids
21 Apr Ref: Crossing Over
When Does it Happen? During Prophase I of Meiosis Remember the differences between Mitosis and Meiosis? Meiosis increases genetic diversity in a species Mitosis creates genetically identical daughter cells
Where does Crossing Over Occur? Genetic swapping occurs between paired homologous chromosomes in our sex cells— The Egg and Sperm
21 Apr Egg and Sperm Chromosomes pair Chromosomes may swap genetic material New genetic material has been acquired from the other homologue NOTE: Genes that have a tendency to remain together during crossing over are said to be linked—we will talk about this concept during Crossing Over Basics
21 Apr Homologous Chromosomes Exchanging DNA by Crossing Over From:
Why Does Crossing Over Occur? To provide genetic variation during meiosis
Its Why You and I Don’t Look Alike Crossing Over ensures a combination of the maternal and paternal genes we inherited BOTTOM LINE
The History of Crossing Over
21 Apr Linkage Gregor Mendel, –Patterns of Inheritance Carl Correns, 1900s –Gene Linkage Alfred Sturtevant
Crossing Over Basics
21 Apr Crossing Over Basics Occurs at One or More Points Along Adjacent Homologues during Synapsis Points contact each other DNA is Exchanged
21 Apr Ref: Access Excellence
21 Apr Crossing Over Basics Gene Mapping –Tracking crossing over helps determine where genes are located on the chromosome –Genes that are far apart have a GREATER chance of crossing over –Genes that are closer have a LESS LIKELY chance of crossing over Genes that stay together are said to be LINKED One gene can be identified as a MARKER that can infer the presence of the other gene –This can be used in identifying disease predisposition
21 Apr Crossing Over Basics Gene Mapping –Tracking crossing over helps determine where genes are located on the chromosome –Genes that are far apart have a GREATER chance of crossing over –Genes that are closer have a LESS LIKELY chance of crossing over
21 Apr Genes get shuffled when chromosomes exchange pieces Watch an animation of crossing over with an explanation of how the concept was discovered at This web site was produced by the Dolan DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
21 Apr Summary Who, What, When, Where, Why History Basics Example Summary From: