Paper Reading part 2 2011-11709 Seo Seok Jun
1.6 Streaming Synchronized Views Issue : multiple views of the same video switch between views without lossing context context? current position in the current view keep the context? new view takes from the point left by previous view
1.6 Streaming Synchronized Views Problem : views have different duration and playback rate! but user should view as synchronized This paper looks into three methods same approach as common video player real-time stream manipulation on the server keep individual views as a sperate stream and switch between streams at a playback time
1.6 Streaming Synchronized Views First approach common video player provide fast forward and backward skip next shot and scene BUT require to be local file rapidly accessed at any arbitrary frame numbers manipulated in real time during playback time cannot be applied to remote video!! apply to real-time manipulation to streaming media rather complicated frames -> consecutive order how to fast playback?
1.6 Streaming Synchronized Views Second approach not easy either videos are usually compressed then how to access to arbitrary frame? server cannot compute complicate computation if do so, catastrophe...
1.6 Streaming Synchronized Views Third approach different versions are stored on the server requires only standard bandwith load on the server? but more storage limitation of chossing the speed this paper user this!
1.6 Streaming Synchronized Views how to keep the context when switching between views Pause the current view Get the current position Close the current stream Compute corresponding position in the selected view Opne the selected view Seek to the corresponding position Play the selected view
1.6 Streaming Synchronized Views
1.6 Streaming Synchronized Views Step 4 web page with embedded player streaming server cannot compute computation -> application server then how to compute? solution perform entire computation on client using Javascript code
1.6 Streaming Synchronized Views
1.6 Streaming Synchronized Views step 6 actual seek process Real Media player play request delay can be ignored! solution
1.6 Streaming Synchronized Views Others the storyboard select one of the keyframe -> take him to that shot Mail Current send a capture as URL via email
1.7 Browsing Multiple Videos (MovieDNA) Issue : navigating large collection of linear data directly apprehend at on glance? single document storyboard is efficient multiple videos is storyboard efficient? able to navigate between videos quickly movieDNA
1.7 Browsing Multiple Videos (MovieDNA) visualization and navigation tool etymology(origin of the term) provide an overview general approach user brush by moving the cursur over the movieDNA fold-out window trigger
1.7 Browsing Multiple Videos (MovieDNA)
1.7 Browsing Multiple Videos (MovieDNA) first level video is single selected unit next level selected video expands into a loger DNA providing finer details last level keyframe is shown
1.7 Browsing Multiple Videos (MovieDNA) aggregated DNAs aim to convey as much information about second level as possible aggregation function is relatively straightforward movieDNA display an arbitrary number of features as the second level not an iron cast rule make it compact design has to ascertain that first level contains enough info to allow users to navigate
1.8 Usability Study Topic : How audio TSM affects peech comprehension in several aspects how deos speedup affect speech comprehension is video is better understood than speech along? then, how is the MSB doing relative to these two extreme cases
1.8 Usability Study three different videos broadcast news technical talk company technical training videos Eight short, Eight long clips 48 segments mostly speech(in Enlish) complete sentese four different speeds [0.6944, 1.0000, 1.4400, 2.0736] [0.8333, 1.2000, 1.7280, 2.4883]
1.8 Usability Study each speed clip was genereated in three view full video MSB audio-only 24 human subjects 17 men 7 women 20-50 native English speaker : 10 English as second language : 14
1.8 Usability Study listen one variation of each clips order, speed, media are mixed and reordered no training before three questions how comfortable he/she feels with the clip speed comprehension fo speech(objective) summarize the main points in the clip(subjective) with GUI program subject cannot select speedup, nor media type
1.8 Usability Study
1.8 Usability Study User's speed assessment speedup ratio is plotted against the actual ratio both analyze show linear model result in a : constant S : actual speedup ratio S0 : natural speed speedup ratio at which linear model cross 0
1.8 Usability Study natural speeds are different from domain no single "average" speedup factor which will be optimal for all types of videos but if normalized normalize there is a fixed natural speed that can be used to normalize the video
1.8 Usability Study no measurable difference between media but indivisual difference design point of veiw provide a flexibility
1.8 Usability Study
1.8 Usability Study
1.8 Usability Study 2. User speech comprehension technical talk -> hardest to understand other two remain high level even in fast speed while subjects feel uncomfortable they still do not loose the content until about 1.7x (subjective -> about 1.5x)
Summary some of the techinques for supporting fast and efficient browsing streaming with allowing user to switch challenge! there are many techinques but untill huge challenge of visual indexing is resolved, browsing will continue to play major role.