The Denture Revolution NNOHA Conference October 24, 2010 Lawrence N. Wallace DDS Inventor & Founder © 2010 Larell Surgical Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Denture Revolution Demographics Target Population/Need The Larell One Step Denture Benefits Technique It is focused on the 16 billion dollar denture market Innovative method for making dentures. We are seeking 1.3 million dollars for commercialization
Curriculum Vitae – Lawrence N Wallace DDS DDS: U of Illinois 1970 Board Certified: Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Private Practice: 1973-1995 President and CEO, Larell Surgical Consultants 1995-present Winner, Monterey Bay Region Business Plan Competition 2010 It is focused on the 16 billion dollar denture market Innovative method for making dentures. We are seeking 1.3 million dollars for commercialization
It is focused on the 16 billion dollar denture market Innovative method for making dentures. We are seeking 1.3 million dollars for commercialization
The Larell One Step Denture Innovative: One visit full denture fabrication Addresses major barriers to care: access and cost Total Portability ADA approved materials Real World Solution It is focused on the 16 billion dollar denture market Innovative method for making dentures. We are seeking 1.3 million dollars for commercialization
Limited access to dental care Inability to afford dental care Who Needs Dentures? Why? Aging population Limited access to dental care Inability to afford dental care Targeted Populations Higher healthcare costs No dentures Poor nutrition Increased chronic disease Company growth will be fuelled by an expanding aging population, less access to care and less ability to afford dentures There is also a large non profit market for: the poor, the disabled and those who can least afford care What happens when you have no teeth->chronic disease (GI, CV, Breast ca) and increase in total healthcare costs
Broad Target Populations Skilled Nursing Facilities Assisted Living Residences Public Health and Rural Clinics Working uninsured Indian Health Service VA clinics It is focused on the 16 billion dollar denture market Innovative method for making dentures. We are seeking 1.3 million dollars for commercialization
Dramatic Demand Demographics The market numbers are staggering; 37 million US, 102 million global Growing at a 5% Compound annual growth rate
Current Procedures It is focused on the 16 billion dollar denture market Innovative method for making dentures. We are seeking 1.3 million dollars for commercialization
Larell denture vs. Conventional Denture Larell One-Step Denture Made in dental office Can be made anywhere Made in 1 visit Made in 4-5 visits Total time 3-4 hours $200 - 400 lab cost Retail $3000-5000 per set Total time about 1 hour No lab cost Retail $1,200 per set Larell denture: one visit, one hour, retail at half average cost for dentures Most done in dental offices but can be done anywhere…nursing home, mobile clinic, remote village, senior center
Made using patented preformed templates, customized on the spot for the patients, using all ADA approved materials. High profit margins for the dentist, affordable and accessible for the patient.
Proprietary Larell Denture Technique Multiple size pre-formed dental templates Customized for each patient in one visit American Dental Association approved materials Made using patented preformed templates, customized on the spot for the patients, using all ADA approved materials. High profit margins for the dentist, affordable and accessible for the patient.
Proprietary Denture Placement Choose best fit upper template. Leave space between ridge and flange
Proprietary Denture Placement Place template in mouth with Occlusal Plane Plate to determine proper occlusal plane Ala-Tragal and horizontal planes by occlusal plate Vertical and A-P lip support visual
Proprietary Denture Placement Place relief holes in palate Relieve for frenum; midline and lateral Place reline material in template and seat Border mold with standard technique
Proprietary Denture Placement With template in place reseat occlusal plane plate Fill voids, add post dam, finish upper denture
Proprietary Denture Placement Repeat technique for lower template Place template and border mold normally
Proprietary Denture Placement Have patient bite into occlusion Check vertical to premeasured points
Proprietary Denture Placement Final occlusal adjustment Finish and polish dentures Discharge patient
Instant One Step Denture 9:05 am 10:30 am
Larell Denture Revolution Innovative one visit method Addresses large, underserved markets Portable, no office or laboratory needed Cost effective for dentist and patient Improves health & quality of life Lowers healthcare costs It is focused on the 16 billion dollar denture market Innovative method for making dentures. We are seeking 1.3 million dollars for commercialization
It is focused on the 16 billion dollar denture market Innovative method for making dentures. We are seeking 1.3 million dollars for commercialization
The Denture Revolution Lawrence N. Wallace DDS The Larell One Step Denture 2 Middle Canyon Road Carmel Valley CA 93924 Phone: 831.659.9300 © 2010 Larell Surgical Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved.