International Law & Constitutional Law Public Law
Definitions International Law applies to relationships between states, or between citizens of one state and either the govt or the inidviduals of another state. Constitutional(Domestic) Law is the body of laws that a state applies within the limits of its jurisdiction.
Sources International Law: International conventions, customs, principles of law recognized by nations, & judicial decisions and teachings of highly regarded public intellectuals & experts. (fr: ICJ, the Hague) Domestic Law: evolves from the beliefs, culture, & history of the state.
International Relations Deals with the relationship of states with each other Hartmann(1983): Processes by which states adjust their national interests to those of other states. National: interests are those things that states couldor do seek to protect or achieve vis-a-vis other states
General Rights & Obligations of States The Right to Exist is the fundamental right of all sovereign states. Directs the state's general rights of Independence, Equality, to property & domain, relations, and jurisdiction. There should be an Independent Foreign Policy that ensures National Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity, National Interest, & the Right to Self-determination.
5 Functional Relations of States Hartmann: Diplomacy, Int'l Law, Int'l Economics, War, & Int'l Organization Diplomacy: art of negotiation between nations. Includes the Diplomatic Corps like Diplomatic Heads: Ambassadors, Papal Nuncios, among others; Envoys, Ministers, & Charges d' Affairs In PH, it is the Department of Foreign Affairs that heads the Diplomatic Corps.
Slide Title International Law: (defined in previous slides) International Economics: covers trade relations, economic treaties, & agreeMents between nations. War/the Politics of Force: armed conflicts International Organizations: organizations established to preserve & promote goodwill among nations.
Treaty A convention, charter, or a pact between two or more states, including int'l organization of states, in order to establish binding rights upon the signatories & members involved. Treaties can also be called as International Agreements which may include treaties between a state & an international organization.