Polar explorers Art and design Geography P.E Music Computing Science Light and dark What is light? Light and reflectors Investigate how light is reflected by different surfaces Why are shadows formed? Investigate how shadows change as the light source is moved. Art and design Focus on the work of Inuit artist Kenojuak Ashevak. Iceberg/animal sculptures. Landscape pictures exploring shade and colour. Look at the colour displays of the aurora borealis in the Arctic. Recreate the colours in a painting. R.E The sacrament of Reconciliation: To understand what it means to make the wrong choices. To reflect on God’s love and forgiveness. Lent Polar explorers Yr 3 Spring Literacy Stories from other cultures: The Polar bear son - An Inuit story from northern Canada. The ice bear by Jackie Morris Recounts: Diary of an Antarctic explorer. Grammar and spelling Use subordinating conjunctions to begin and extend sentences. Use paragraphs to group related material. Apply knowledge of root word, prefixes and suffixes. Use apostrophes to show possession. Punctuate direct speech with inverted commas. Begin to use adverbial phrases to sequence time and identify place. Geography Locate the Arctic and Antarctic . Focus on geographical features of the Polar regions Investigate Inuit lifestyle and culture. Compare it to our own way of life. Focus on global warming and its impact on the Polar animals How to survive in Antarctica. P.E Gymnastics and games. Monday and Thursday Trips and visits Workshop on polar explorers. Greenwich Maritime Museum. March 14th Music Singing and drumming Computing Use search technologies effectively. Use coding programs to create and explain how simple algorithms work Create a simple variable when coding programs.
Spring term Maths Objectives Number and place value Recall multiplication facts for the 2,3,4,5,and 6 times tables. Partition and order 3 digit numbers up to 1000 Count forwards and backwards in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s,6s and 10s. Addition and subtraction Use the column method to add and subtract. Mentally add and subtract 1,10 and 100 to three digit numbers. Fractions Order and compare fractions Recognise some equivalent fractions Count up and down in tenths. Measurement Measure the perimeter of shapes. Read the time to the nearest minute. Solve time related problems. Geometry To recognise different angles and say if they are < or > a right angle. Statistics Construct bar graphs and interpret data