Writing and Hieroglyphs
a) developed between 3300 and 3100 BCE 1. Hieroglyphs b) may have been influenced by early Sumerian pictographs
c) “Hieroglyph” means “holy writing” d) Egyptians believed writing was given to them by the god Thoth
2. Becoming A Scribe a) Anyone who could afford to pay for school could go school from the age of 7 to learn to become a scribe b) Had to master writing 800+ hieroglyphs c) Also studied math, law, land surveying and architecture
3. What do scribes do? a) Record amount of grain and goods temple or pharaoh has b) Copy documents that are wearing out c) Write letters and legal documents
3. What do scribes do? d) Record achievements of pharaoh or military leader e) Write requests for gods f) write Books of the Dead
4. Tools of the scribe b) Writing stylus made from papyrus plant a) Red and black powdered ink c) Water to wet the powdered ink
5. Scribes are highly respected in Egyptian Society
6. Rosetta Stone a) found in Rosetta, Egypt in 1799 CE by French leader Napoleon Bonaparte
b) The same thing was written in three different languages: Greek, Hieroglyphs and an Egyptian language called Demonic
c) In 1822 CE, Jean Francois Champollion deciphered the Rosetta stone and allowed the translation of Egypt's hieroglyphs!
7. Some hieroglyphs stand for words, some stand for sounds and some stand for letters
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