KnowledgeShare Team Harambae Karen Cudjoe, Andrew Darmawan, Cameron Dewey, Andrew Gbeddy, Corey Noble
Vision Enhance existing Student News Current Student News…
What Students Are Stuck With
Mobile Options?
Vision Enhance existing Student News Current Student News… Card-based dashboard Customization Filters Search Blacklist
Application Domain
User Stories As a student at Calvin, I would like to be able to view the news on an app that has a simple and easy-to-use design As a student, I want to be able to search for specific news stories As a student org member, I want to be able to see news items specific to my student org As a student looking for a job, I want to be able to see news items from the career center about job opportunities
IS Design
UI Design
Status Report What We’ve Done What We’ll Do Scrollable card interface Color labeling Search bar Splash screen Database design Filtration Connection between client and server Pull Student News data from web Publish to the Play Store?