Today: Review for quiz on Monday. Assignment: study for quiz on Monday: Know how to: Balance equations Predict single replacement reactions with table J Predict whether double replacement will go forward. Identify the five reaction types. Know how to tell if a product is a precipitate with table F. Copy!
Double replacement reaction Why did this reaction proceed? It formed a precipitate as a product. More double replacement reactions Why did the various reactions proceed? What are the three ways?
Homework Review
What are the five kinds of chemical reactions? Make a list. Next to each, write what you expect to see with each. State in terms of reactants and products.
Name the three products that form so you know a double replacement reaction goes forward. Does the reaction go forward? A) yes B) no BaCl2 + F2 BaF2 + Cl2 2. MgCl2 + 2Cs 2CsCl + Mg
Next four are from aug ‘09 Aug 09 Aug 09
Aug 09 Aug 09
Aug 08
Jan 11
Jan 11 Jan 10
Jan 10 Jan 09
double replacement reaction? Jan 09
Jan 08
Which of the following are precipitates? Sodium Hydroxide Silver Bromide Calcium Sulfate Calcium Carbonate Calcium Chromate
Are there any questions? Anything you don’t “get”? The topics are: -balancing equations -types of reactions-five kinds -Use of table J and Table F -Why reactions go forward -Chemical equations and symbols
Complete the following after copying the assignment: Page 27, # 29 a-d, 30 a-d, 31 a-d, 32 a-d, 38 Page 29, # 41, 44, 46 Page 33, 63-66