Warm-up If you were to write an additional chapter for Night, what would it be about? What do you think happens to Elie next? Write a one paragraph extended ending.
Literary Analysis Night Essay
Two Body Paragraphs TS (Topic Sentence) LCD 1 (Lead-in TO Concrete Detail) CM (Commentary) LCD 2 (Lead-in TO Concrete Detail) CS (Concluding Sentence)
Topic Sentence State your first point of analysis. Be sure it is CLEAR and relates back to your thesis. Ex: Esperanza wants to have more power over her own life than the women around her seem to have.
Lead-in TO Concrete Detail Must set the stage for your quote. Explain the context. Concrete Detail Your evidence. Quote or paraphrase cited with page numbers. Must be properly formatted. Example: For example, when Esperanza is talking about her great grandmother, she says: “She looked out the window her whole life, the way so many women sit their sadness on an elbow… I don’t want to inherit her place by the window” (11).
Commentary Analyze the meaning. How does this support your thesis? Do not summarize AT ALL. Your lead-in has already told us what’s going on in the quote. Example: Esperanza dislikes the fact that her grandmother did not do anything to improve her life. She does not want to follow in her mother’s footsteps; instead, she wants to be in charge of her own life.
Concluding Sentence Clear and insightful. So what? Why is this important? How does everything you just said tie back to your thesis? Example: Esperanza wants to be different from the women around her, who are submissive and give up their power to men.
Whole Paragraph Esperanza wants to have more power over her own life than the women around her seem to have. For example, when Esperanza is talking about her great grandmother, she says: “She looked out the window her whole life, the way so many women sit their sadness on an elbow… I don’t want to inherit her place by the window” (11). Esperanza dislikes the fact that her grandmother did not do anything to improve her life. She does not want to follow in her mother’s footsteps; instead, she wants to be in charge of her own life. In addition, when Esperanza is talking about the woman in the movie who is beautiful and cruel, she says: “She is the one who drives them men crazy and laughs them all away. Her power is her own” (89). Esperanza wants to take her own path to happiness, and she hopes to be more like the woman in the movies than those in her own neighborhood. She wants to be independent and not let men control her life. Esperanza wants to be different from the women around her, who are submissive and give up their power to men.
Pair Activity With a partner, write one body paragraph about a character trait of Elie (choose any you like). ex: Throughout the book, Elie shows strength. (topic sentence) Follow the exact format of the body paragraph outline. Make sure it has all the components. You will have 15-20 minutes to do this. Be sure both your names are on the paper. Make sure it is as quality as possible. Note: At the end of the time, we will trade papers and grade each other’s writing.
Grading Checklist Write their scores for each section below the paragraph. Then total up the number and circle it. Topic sentence clearly states topic of paragraph _______/10 Lead-ins are present for each quote and clearly state the speaker of the quote ________/10 Concrete details provide evidence that is relevant to the topic sentence ________/10 Concrete details are properly formatted _________/10 Commentary is at least two sentences _________/10 Commentary is analysis and not summary _________/10 All components of a full body paragraph are present (TS, 2 lead-ins, 2CDs, 2CMs, 1CS). _________/10 Closing Sentence reiterates the main point ___________/10
Warm-up Write a paragraph about whether or not video games are good for teenagers. Follow these guidelines: Topic Sentence (state your opinion) Concrete Detail (specific example supporting opinion; doesn’t have to be a quote) Commentary (2 sentences explain how your example supports your point) Closing Sentence (restate your point) 5 sentences minimum.
Thesis Statements Last sentence in introduction. Says what two subjects your body paragraphs are about. Should NOT do any explaining yet. Should be CLEAR. Ex: Throughout the novel, Elie changes through becoming stronger and more selfless. Your topic sentences are your thesis statement broken into two chunks. Chunk 1: Throughout the novel, Elie changes through becoming stronger. Chunk 2: Throughout the novel, Elie changes through becoming more selfless.
Introductions & Conclusions Save them for last. Then it will truly introduce what’s written instead of what writer intended. Write the into and conclusion at the same time. This ties the introduction more effectively to the conclusion by writing them both at the same time. You don’t have to write in the order things are read.
Part 1 of Intro: “Hooks” A meaningful quotation A universal idea related to your thesis A thought-provoking question
Part 1 of Intro: “Hooks” AVOID… Dictionary definitions. “Webster’s Dictionary defines fate as…” Rhetorical questions. “Did you know?” or “Have you ever wondered?” Unnecessary explanations. “This paper will be about …” “In this paper I will prove” Your thesis will tell us what your paper will be about, and the entire paper is what you think. A “book report” list of irrelevant facts. “William Shakespeare lived in the Elizabethan era in England. He wrote many plays. One of these plays was Hamlet.”
Part 2 of Intro. A: Address the Prompt Do not plagiarize but paraphrase. Address the issue at hand. Here is where you state the author’s full name and title of work. After this point, you may refer to the author by his/her last name. B: Provide a Roadmap Preview the main ideas, questions to be addressed.
Part 3 of Introduction Your thesis. a.) Your point. b.) How you will prove/explore it.
Sample Introduction Charles Dickens once wrote, “I wear the chain I forged in life...I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it.” William Shakespeare’s Macbeth calls such a view of individual autonomy into question. A tempting yet dangerous prophecy leads the play’s protagonist along a blood-stained path that forces his “destiny” into being. Though a witch-given vision prompts this journey, Macbeth does deliberate and exercise choice in obtaining his “rightful” station. Throughout Macbeth, the role of the witches and a faulty prophecy ultimately prove that fate is merely an illusion luring Macbeth to his destruction.
Conclusion Part 1 I. Thesis Echo the major thesis without repeating words verbatim. II. Reflect on the ideas addressed in your paper. Indicate why these ideas are important. Add some new insight. III. General Insight Connect back to idea presented in “hook.” Show how topic relates to life. Leave the reader thinking.
Conclusion AVOID… Restating thesis and main points without adding anything new. Adding irrelevant details (esp. just to make a paper longer)
Conclusion As evidenced by the witches’ actions and an empty prophecy, free will is the primary force leading Shakespeare’s Macbeth to his doom. Macbeth is not a marionette being manipulated by the evil hands of the weird sisters; he is a free man allowing their words to infect and alter him. This is confirmed in the end when the witches’ prominent prophecy fails to materialize. Macbeth’s devastating loses are for nothing; he forged his own depraved path that ultimately leaves him empty-handed. As Dickens suggests: each individual has a chain, yet its weight and length is determined solely by its wearer.
Intro and Conclusion Outline Introduction I. Hook IIa. Address the prompt (author and title) IIb. Preview main ideas III. Thesis Conclusion Thesis Reflect on main ideas. General insight.
Writing Intros and Conclusions Prompt: What character trait does Elie most exemplify throughout Night? Write an introduction and conclusion for the body paragraph you wrote with your partner last class. Both the introduction and conclusion should have every component recorded in your notes. We are going to change and grade these, but this time for a grade. Note: Since we only wrote one body paragraph, your thesis will be similar to your topic sentence from your body paragraph.
Step 1: Code the paper. Introduction - hook (underline); author’s name (circle); title of book (box); restate prompt (wavy underline); preview main ideas (broken underline); thesis statement (brackets) Conclusion – restate thesis (brackets); reflect on main points of essay (wavy underline); general insight (underline) Step 2: Grade the paper using the following checklist. Introduction ________/50 (10 points per item below) Hook is present and gets reader’s attention. Author’s full name and play title (underline) are present. Paper clearly addresses the prompt. Preview essay/explain the issue that will be addressed. Thesis statement is clear and states the two main points that will make up the body paragraphs of the essay. Conclusion_________/50 points Thesis statement is restated in different wording. (15 points) Main points of paper are reflected upon and not simply summarized. (20 points) Last sentence is a general insight about the main point of the paper and leaves the reader thinking. (15 points)
Peer Feedback Switch with a partner, read over their introduction and conclusion and, on a separate sheet of paper, respond to the following questions for them: 1.) Is their hook engaging? Why/why not? 2.) Does their hook relate to the thesis in a GENERAL way? How? 3.) Is there a smooth transition into paraphrasing the prompt? 4.) Do they paraphrase the prompt effectively? Why/why not? 5.) Do they state the author’s full name and title of the work in underlining or italics? 6.) Do they give you a sufficient preview into the main issues/ideas they will be discussing? What are they? 7.) Is their thesis statement clear? Does it state 1. the main topic and 2. they two ways they will discuss that topic in his/her paper? What is their main topic? What are the two ways they will discuss it?
Peer Feedback (cont.) 1.) Is their thesis restated but not word for word? 2.) Do they reflect on the main ideas and not just restate what they already said in the introduction? What new things do they say about the main ideas of their paper? 3.) Do they leave the reader with a general insight that does NOT reference the book itself but only the TOPIC they were writing about (i.e. “free will”)?