RGS The Grange’s Mathematics Information Evening
Glossary of Mathematical terms In Pre-prep, basic mathematical vocabulary is introduced, e.g. altogether, difference, sum, share, group, fewer etc. Some technical vocabulary and terms will relate to calculations e.g. arrays, bus stop method, expanded method etc. In Prep, more technical terms are taught e.g. circumference, perpendicular, denominator etc. A detailed Mathematics glossary can be found on the Parent Portal.
Progression in written calculations Addition
The compact column method is continued, adding units first and carrying underneath. Money and measures must also be used.
Progression in written calculations Subtraction
Progression in written calculations Division
What are the aims of the New Mathematics Curriculum? The curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils: Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time. Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument. Justification of proof using mathematical language. Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication. This includes breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps.
What are the aims of the New Mathematics Curriculum? What does Mastery mean? The new curriculum now largely focuses on children’s ability to apply their learning – this is called Mastery. Mastery is how a child can apply their knowledge and understanding of the curriculum to solve complex and in-depth problems. It demonstrates how skillfully a child can apply their learning. Mastery is not just a known fact, but it is how they use that fact in increasingly more complex situations. A child skilled in Mastery will score higher in assessment tests than a child less skilled in Mastery, even if they know the same content.
What has changed?
What can you do with your children at home? Promote mastery at home by asking reasoning questions. Here are some ideas from our NCETM documents. You can use these at home to provide your child with additional challenge.