Introduction and Use of Dataverse at Boston College Barbara Mento, Data/GIS Librarian O’Neill Library Boston College Libraries
History Migrated to Institutional Repository, eScholarship@BC, from DigiTool to Islandora 2014. Created a “data archive” with curated data. Not satisfied with interface and access for data.
New Digital Infrastructure Advisory Committee Charges Datasets Task Force to investigate data repository platforms Open access platform Discipline-neutral Self deposit Requested review of Dataverse (some BC faculty already used for replication data i.e. Review of Economics and Statistics Dataverse) December 2015: Dataverse chosen as platform for Data Repository
Dataverse at Boston College Hosted by Harvard Branded for Boston College Open access Self deposit policy and platform Offer customized quick guide Linked from our DMPTool- wording for DMP Survey for depositors asking about deposit experience
Research Guide: Dataverse at Boston College Overview, quick start information and link to BC Dataverse.
Launch and Marketing February 2016: Setup and configuration with branding. Migrated select data from eScholarship@BC April 2016: Training for staff and liaisons by Sonia Barbosa, Manager of Data Curation, IQSS Dataverse. April 1 proposed soft launch Received request from history department to move up launch because they needed a DOI for an accepted publication March 18th soft launch and first self deposit. Formal launch April 19th.
User Survey Feedback We send a user feedback survey after self deposit. Based on depositor feedback we revised the Quick Guide to add instructions for zip compression of multiple files to enable faster data upload.
Initial Marketing Introduced at Vice Provost for Research sponsored event on March 16, 2016 Staffed a table introducing Dataverse. Some interest from research centers on campus. Started discussions regarding organization and working on issues with permissions.
Marketing Article for Spring Library Newsletter 2016 April 19th official launch: Subject Liaisons announced launch to faculty via email, launched on website and social media.
Current and future use Depositing replication data - previously other Dataverses Depositing open access corpus of text for research Supplementary material from conference presentations and books Data deposits affiliated with publications deposited in eScholarship@BC So far referrals from library staff and director of ITS Research Services, who attended the training, are leading to inquiries about depositing data.
Future Plans New Faculty orientation will include Dataverse bookmark and discussions with liaisons Fall letters from liaisons to departments will have reminder about Dataverse Planning fall survey of researchers to learn where they deposit data and what they know about Dataverse