VIOLENCE IN THE WORKPLACE PREVENTION PROGRAM Training Presentation Updated November 2017
AGENDA Culture of Safety Definition of workplace violence Identifying and Assessing (Non-staff) Communication of Risk Identifying and Responding (Staff) Reporting Support and Controls
CULTURE OF SAFETY Purpose Groves Memorial Community Hospital and North Wellington Health Care…are committed to its vision of “Your Health Matters” by providing a safe, healthy and respectful work environment for all staff.
VIOLENCE IN THE WORKPLACE PREVENTION PROGRAM Policy Statement Any form of workplace violence is not tolerated and all measures will be taken to enforce this policy. All staff members are required to immediately report and document any and all incidents where they or another employee are subjected to, witness or have knowledge of workplace violence, or have reason to believe that workplace violence has or may have occurred. **Applies to all staff (medical and professional), contractors, students, patients, visitors, and auxiliary members, suppliers, consultants, and vendors.
YOUR SAFETY IS PRIORITY Personal safety takes precedence over property. When at risk Get to a safe location Warn others in the vicinity Initiate Emergency codes Code White Code Silver Code Purple ** Emergency codes can be initiated for any individual(s) Violence includes but is not limited to: Aggression or assault or any attempt to inflict physical harm Harassment, including sexual harassment Bullying Disruptive Behaviour Threats Verbal, Physical or Sexual Abuse Damage to Property Domestic Violence Violence can be perpetrated by anyone including patients, visitors, domestic partners, other employees, medical and professional staff, volunteers or contractors.
VIOLENCE IN THE WORKPLACE DEFINITION Violence is any actual, attempted or threatened act of aggression that causes (or is likely to cause) physical or psychological harm including behaviours known, or ought to be known to be unwelcome or threatening to the worker. Violence includes but is not limited to: Aggression or assault or any attempt to inflict physical harm Harassment, including sexual harassment Bullying Disruptive Behaviour Threats Verbal, Physical or Sexual Abuse Damage to Property Domestic Violence Violence can be perpetrated by anyone including patients, visitors, domestic partners, other employees, medical and professional staff, volunteers or contractors.
IDENTIFYING and ASSESSING Non-staff Non-staff - Risk for Violence or Aggression: PATIENT exhibits risk factors or demonstrates violent and/or aggressive behaviours: Assess, identify and manage in accordance to Patient Assessment of Violence and Aggression (2-5-5960) If appropriate, non-violent crisis intervention or gentle persuasive approach can be utilized VISITOR exhibits risk factors or demonstrates violent and/or aggressive behaviours Immediately bring to the attention of nursing or medical staff
COMMUNICATION OF RISK Patients assessed to be at moderate or high risk for responsive, aggressive or violent behaviours will be identified by flagging Process to be explained to patient and/or substitute decision maker Yellow armband to be applied to patient Caution signs to be posted at entrance to patient environment in ER and on Inpatient units Inpatient units add yellow stripe to communication white boards
IDENTIFYING and RESPONDING Staff Risk All staff are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct (HRIX-10) in all interactions with co-workers, patients and the public Examples that violate our Code of Conduct: Bullying Workplace Harassment (See HRIX -1) Sexual Harassment Domestic Violence
RESPONSIBILITIES OF ALL STAFF All Hospital Staff: It is the responsibility of all hospital staff to look for visual flagging and armbands Use caution and awareness in daily work Prior to entering flagged patient areas, staff must check with nursing staff for direction
REPORTING All staff members are required to report all incidents where they (or another individual) is subject to, witnesses or has knowledge of workplace violence to their manager or designate No reprisal when reporting in good faith
REPORTING Employees must report any workplace violence incident by completing an online Patient and Staff Quality and Safety Reporting System (RL6) report We take it seriously. Investigations will be undertaken promptly, fair, and be as thorough as necessary
SUPPORT AND CONTROLS Support Controls Advise the person their actions are unwelcomed and ask to STOP Approach direct manger for resolution Human Resources is available to assist Approach trusted leader (e.g. other managers, VP, and CEO) Employee and Family Assistance Program Controls Workplace design (e.g. alarms, lighting, positioning of furniture) Administrative (e.g. risk assessments, signage, secured doorways, advising others of work location)
QUESTIONS? Information can be found on the Violence & Harassment Prevention bulletin boards at each site Information can be found on the intranet under Health & Safety Policies Resources: Manager Union Representative Human Resources Occupational Health and Safety
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