Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Pre-Bid Conference RHODE ISLAND AVENUE METRO STATION TRACK DECK AND PRE-CAST PANEL REHABILITATION IFB FQ18086/GG Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)
Opening Remarks Silence all Cell phones and pagers This presentation and attendee log will be provided on WMATA.com website Safety Tip: “ Don’t go to work half-dressed. Wear PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT”
Introduction of WMATA Personnel Norie Calvert, PRMT – Procurement Manager Guzel Gufranova, PRMT – Contract Administrator Ranjith Abeysinghe – Project Manager Ezzat Hanna – Construction Engineer
Purpose The purpose of the conference will be to provide and overview of the project, technical and contractual requirements, answer questions regarding the solicitation documents. After today’s conference, if you have additional questions, they must be received via electronic mail to ggufranova@wmata.com (See “Explanation to Bidders under Section 00200 Instructions To Bidders”, Volume 1,Div 0). Not later than 14 days prior to bid opening.
Purpose To promote a common understanding of: Authority’s requirements Instruction to Bidders (Volume 1) To provide answers to questions regarding the IFB
Disclaimer Regarding Changes to the Solicitation The Pre-Bid Conference is for information purposes only. It may answer some Bidders’ questions. Statements or representations made during the Conference are not legally binding. Changes resulting from this Conference are official only if issued through an Amendment to the IFB.
Representations and Certifications, Section 00451 BIDDING MATERIAL (Section 00100 - Invitation for Bid) Bid Form, Section 00413 Representations and Certifications, Section 00451 Bid Price Schedule, Section 00434 Bid Security, Section 00431 Appendix B: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Forms, Section 00453 Compliance Information, Section 00432 Bids may be received prior to, but no later than 2:00 PM, March 14, 2018 BASIS FOR AWARD (p.16): A single contract for all items shall be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder.
The outside of the envelope shall show: - THE AMENDMENTS RECEIVED The outside of the envelope shall show: - THE AMENDMENTS RECEIVED. Failure to acknowledge all amendments may cause the Bid to be considered not responsive. Section 00202 - HOUR and DATE specified in the IFB for receipt, the solicitation number (IFB FQ18086/GG), and the full legal name and address of the Bidder on the face of the envelope (Section 00201, pdf p18)
Bid Form – sign manually, acknowledge receipt of all amendments, pdf pp.36-37 Representations and Certifications – Complete all blocks/boxes and sign where required, p.48-61 Bid Price Schedules: Fill in all the line items. P. 44-47. Bid Security: 5% of the Bid Price. More on p.38-41. refer to Section 00201, L – Bid Guarantee Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) 20%. $500,000 or more for a construction contract. P.20. Submit complete schedule of DBE participation and Letters of Intent – more details in Appendix B. All DBEs must have current, official letter of certification from WMATA, D.C.DOT or MWUCP.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises It is the policy of WMATA, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE’s) shall have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in performing federally -assisted contracts, including contractors and subcontractors at any tier.
AWARD Apparent Low Bidder submits Pre-Award Information after Bid Opening. Don’t submit with Bid. 3 business days after receipt of request from the CO. Section 00204 WMATA will have 120 calendar days to award the Contract. The plan is to award in March 2018.
Period of Performance Final work completion – NTP + 125 calendar days.
Dates Subject to Change Schedule SCHEDULE EVENT DATE IFB Release Feb 13, 2018 Pre-Bid Conference Feb 23, 2018 Site Visit Feb 23, 2018 Bid Due Date March 14, 2018 Contract Execution April 11, 2018 Dates Subject to Change
Thank you!