Jan Anderson Voice Talent Pamela Lorence AudioProducer/Voice Talent World-Voices Organization world-voices.org Voice-Over Recording and Technique: How to Get Professional-Sounding Voice-Overs for Your Programs
Learning objectives Why sound matters Scripting for the EAR How to determine the voice you want How to find/cast your narrator What to expect from a pro How to team up for maximum results
Just Reads
Not Engaged With The Learner Bad Sound Potential Problems Monotone Too Sing-song Too Robotic Not Telling A Story Not Engaged With The Learner Bad Sound It Can Detract From The Visuals Content, And Learning!
Voice Elements TONE PITCH TEMPO VOLUME Tone Pitch Tempo Volume
Choices No Voice Text-to-Speech Train in-house narrator Hire a pro
Scripting for the ear
Scripting Every script is a conversation… With whom? Who can connect with your learners?
Script Accompanies Visuals – It Doesn’t Repeat It
Degree Of Formality 1 ….to …..10
In the Past…
Client/Potential client/Engineer there in person Self-directed (and edited) auditions and sessions Client there virtually – Skype, ISDN, etc.
What Kind Of Voice/Delivery Do You Want? Language Gender Age Personality/Tone Expertise Experience Delivery: Pace Emotional Tone Formality/Smile Technical Req. Match Your Branding
Checklist Experience in VO performance Knowledge of VO Industry Experience in e-Learning VO Experience in YOUR eLearning area (tech? medical? Etc.) Professional Studio (if self-directed session) Trained Actor Trained Editor Available Professional Nice to Work With
Where Else To Find Voice Talents – Pros And Cons
VOICEOVER.BIZ “Better Than a Voice Over Casting Site” Connecting Voice Actors & Talent Seekers All Proven Pros – e-learning savvy
Portion Of Your Script Some “Specs” Record Date Or Deadline Not Sure? Trust The Talent
Directing in Real Time
Some Directions: Smooth it out Smile more Smile less Sound more casual More authority Slow down/speed up Hit this word instead of that one Give me 3 in a row Pause when words fly in Lower/raise pitch of voice
Teaming Up For Self-directed Sessions
What to Expect from a Pro Voice Talent Review/Prep the text Confirm the desired tone Set up the audio files Record, doing multiple Edit for best takes, flow and consistency Clean up unwanted sounds Final output preparation Review recording and name files Convert files to format of your choice and send to you
What A Pro Vo Needs From You For Best Results When do you need it? What type of files? File: Raw? Cleaned up with options? Or Final? Separated or one file (separation extra) Will there be music? Idea of visuals How to Name Files How to deliver?
What A Pro Vo Needs From You For Best Results Agree on Rate/how determined Where/how used? (group vs. personal) Learners speak native English? Tone Desired Timing needs?
Emotional Tone? Describe Refer to a previous job Refer to a cut on demo or audition Send a reference file voiced by someone else Send a scratch track for timing, pace Test read
Industry speak: “station-2” i.e., e.g. Numbers -246 Contractions Script tips Acronyms – e.g. “TRAC” Years preference – e.g. 2020 Slashes – incentives/programs Website – www? Forward slash? Po- TAY-To, Po-TAH-to Industry speak: “station-2” i.e., e.g. Numbers -246 Contractions Grammar Proofing Emphasis
Script format Introduction Screen # VO Copy on screen Comments - Suggestions 05 In this module, we will practice documenting Postpartum Notes through guided simulation training. Narrated instructions will take you through the simulation, as you enter the notes provided on the Digital Profile Card on the upper right corner of your screen. You must complete each step to receive instructions for the next step. At any time, click on the “Hint” button to review the last set of instructions again. Simulation Instructions Narrated instructions will guide you through the simulation A blue hand icon will indicate where to click The “Digital Profile Card,” located in the upper right corner of the screen, displays the information you will need to type into the text box fields Listen to each step’s instructions before performing the action After taking each action, you may progress to the next step Click on the HINT button to read the instructions Click NEXT to begin Graphics and notes to developer
Doing It Yourself Or In-house? Here are some TIPS Use someone who can communicate, not just read Make sure delivery changes, has “beats”, tells the story of the learning and brand Record in QUIET area – no noise, echo-ey spaces, Audio should enhance the copy, not detract from it Make sure talent stays hydrated – mouth noise a turn-off Edit out loud breaths, plosives, mouth clicks etc.
References Other sites where you can find voice talent: www.voiceover.biz eLearning Voice Actors http://www.voiceover.biz http://www.elearningvoices.com http://www.voice123.com Join the eLearning Narrators, a community on Facebook of voice actors specifically interested in eLearning.
Leave Your Card Or Sign Up! For A PDF Of These Tips Or A Copy Of The Slides Leave Your Card Or Sign Up! ja@ja-voiceworks.com pamela@plorence.com