Job Roles in Sound Lauren Reeves
Film & TV
Audio Describer An audio describer provides narration on a film to make it more accessible to those who have sight problems. They describe the scenes, characters and actions. To become an audio describer, you will need a degree in English, Arts, Film Studies, Media Studies. There is also a post-graduate course available for Audi Description and subtitling. You could also work with companies that train their own audio describers. One way into the job is through audio post production Houses, advertisements are usually found on their website. Most of the work is technical based and takes place in studios. The skills needed for this job include clear speaking, writing and work well as a team. They begin their work in post production after the film has been completed and they can write the script and then record.
Foley Editor A Foley editor is in charge of recording specific sounds that may have been lost in dialogue and then adding them back in. They are subtle sounds such as foot steps or rattling. A degree will be needed in either Arts, Music, Electronics, Maths, or Sound Technology. You could also get a post-graduate qualification in Sound. To become a Foley editor, you could start off as a runner on a sound set. You could also work at a post-production sound house. This work is mainly technical and creative based as it involves using your imagination to create the sounds you hear through different objects. You would also need to edit the sounds on a computer. Skills needed for this job include being able to think outside the box, work well in a team and be creative. They start working during production on the scenes that have already been filmed. Jack Foley- Spartacus
Music Editor A music editor is in charge of all music used in the film. They edit the songs, decide where they go and get permission from the artists. To become a music editor, a degree will be needed in Arts, Music, Electronics, Maths, or Sound Technology. One way to become a music editor would be becoming a runner either in a sound studio or a production house. With experience, you could then work your way up. This job mainly involves creative work as you would have to think which song would best compliment a scene. They would have to know a lot of different types of music and how different songs affect scenes. Skills needed for this job would include editing, creativity and working well in a team as their may be some conflicting opinions. They start working during pre-production as they read the scripts and start getting ideas for what songs would work with the atmosphere of the scene.
Podcast Producer Podcast producers are in charge of writing, recording and editing a podcast episode. To become a podcast producer, there isn’t a specific qualification needed. However taking a course based on production would help. One of the best ways to getting this job would be to produce your own personal podcast and gain experience from it. Being involved in Radio work would also help. This job is mainly technical and creative work. The technical side would include the production and editing whereas the creative side would include coming up with topics for the podcast and writing script. Skills needed in this job would include being self-motivated, ability to concentrate on tasks for a long period of time and good at script writing. This work begins in pre production as this is their main job. They write, produce and direct the podcast.
Radio Producer A radio producer is responsible for creating and producing the radio show. They are in charge of production and make sure everything is running smoothly whilst live. Whilst a job in this area of work is open to all graduates, a degree in radio or media production may help your chances. To become a radio producer, you would have to start at the bottom as an assistant or runner and work your way up. This job is mainly technical, office work as you would be at a computer most of the time, researching and writing. Skills for this job would include being able to work well in a group, ability to concentrate and manage time well as their would be many short deadlines. This work starts in pre-production as the job revolves around producing and creating.
Voice Actor A voice actor is in charge of portraying their character by recording their voice. There are no qualifications needed to become a voice actor. Voice acting courses are open in universities to students in performing arts. This job is mainly creative as the job requires you to portray different characters purely through your voice. Skills needed for this job would include patience, good team working skills and ability to change your voice. This job would start during production. As soon as one scene had been filmed, they would record the voice over for it.
Audio Engineer An audio engineer is in charge of creating and editing the soundtrack, sound effects and character voices. Whilst there is no specific qualification needed, a degree or higher in sound engineering would be helpful. One way into this job would be through becoming a Game Trainee. You could then work your way up the ladder to an Audio Engineer. This job is a mixture of creative and technical work. Whilst you are required to be creative and think outside the box, most of the work would involve using advanced computer programming. Skills needed for this job would include ability to focus for long periods of time, being able to work well as part of a team and pay attention to detail. This job would start during pre-production. An audio engineer would have to read the scripts and begin producing the sounds needed.
References (Unknown authors, last accessed: 18.10.16) (Unknown authors, last accessed: 18.10.16) (Unknown authors, last accessed: 18.10.16)