What do employers want? › Build resilient students who do more than one click Resource evaluation › Develop a hierarchy of values across the institution Legal and ethical issues – CIPA Appendix Explaining the Design Element
According to Cal State professor J. Herring in his article titled “Assumptions, Information Literacy and Transfer in High Schools,” students do not have the skills necessary to perform scholarly research on the web. Moreover, to develop these skills, students need opportunities to practice.
Norm 1: Every grade level will provide at least one opportunity a semester for students to practice research (Herring 2011) Norm 2: Acknowledge the ubiquitous use of Wikipedia (See Appendix A)(See Appendix A) Norm 3: Use of Scholarly data bases such as ERIC, Infotrac and Google.Scholar by providing easy access and training Norm 4: Teachers will guide the research in grade 9 and 10 where teachers will allow open research in grades 11 and 12.
Use of databases outside of just Google, Bing or Yahoo Primarily: › INFOTRAC INFOTRAC › ERIC ERIC › Google.Scholar Google.Scholar Evaluation Tool for the Web › PDF Checklist PDF Checklist Teach Boolean Logic › YouTube Video 1 YouTube Video 1 › YouTube Video 2 YouTube Video 2
Acceptable Use Policy DUSD Acceptable Use Policy DUSD Use Turnitin.com which automaticallyTurnitin.com The inappropriate use of electronic information resources can be a violation of local, state and federal laws …If inappropriate information is mistakenly accessed, it is the responsibility of the user to immediately report this… it is the responsibility of the user
Bisson, C. (2010). College Students Use, Love, Are Aware Of The Limitations Of Wikipedia. ACADEMIA EDUCATION FUTURE LIBRARIES HIGHER EDUCATION, 1, 1-4. Evaluating Web Sites: A Checklist. (2014, February 7)., UMD Libraries. Retrieved February 9, 2014, from Herring, J. (2011). Assumptions, information literacy and transfer in high schools. Teacher Librarian, 38(3), Woodcock, B. (n.d.). What are the top ten skills that employers want?. Top ten employability skills. Retrieved February 14, 2014, from
Students need to perform research. Teachers need to provide students with opportunities or “practices” because it will help them develop their critical thinking, their ability to navigate the web efficiently and effectively. Employers want this and helping our students achieve their dreams is what we do.