Open Science Grid: What is New? Mine Altunay OSG Security Officer NSF Cyber Security Summit Sept 14-15, 2009
Four Security Workshops OSG Identity Management Requirements Gathering Workshop Listening from our stakeholders, peer grids and key technology players Living in an Evolving Identity Management Environment Focus on technology ESNet Identity Mgmt Requirements Gathering Workshop
Software Vulnerability and Risk Assessment End-end assessment of OSG Identity Management Risks found and being mitigated, with ESNet EGEE started devising their own assessment process Secure Programming and Vulnerability Assessment of Distributed Computing Middleware Workshop at OGF 27, with Prof. Barton Miller
News from the Security Team Jim Barlow joined OSG Security team The lead of NCSA Security operations and Incident Response Team Jim Basney left to work on CILogon: Identity mgmt service to science comm. OSG look forward to benefit from this project
Educational Institutes Strengthening inter-grid and inter-community collaborations GRID-SEC Inter-grid incident sharing community Science Communities Educational Institutes REN-ISAC Incidents, suspicious behavior, intrusion attempts