Grid Computing Course Development team: Barry Wilkinson and Clayton Ferner (Instructors), and Mark Holliday Student assistants: Jeff House and Sam Daoud (Fall 2004), James Ruff (Fall 2004/Spring 2005) 43 students took course at 8 institutions Participating Sites
Topics Review of Internet technologies Introduction to grid computing Web services Grid services (OGSA) Security, Public Key Infrastructure Globus 3.2 Condor-G MPI and grid-enabled MPI UNC-W workflow editor and other tools
Programming Assignments Assignment 1 Web service Java programming assignment. Tomcat, axis, JWS. Assignment 2 Grid service Java programming assignment. Globus 3.2 environment.Tools: ant. Assignment 3 Submitting a GT 3 Job to the Grid, job specified in RSL-2. Assignment 4 Submitting a Condor-G Job Assignment 5 Using workflow editor to create and execute grid service workflows. Software from NMI package.
GridNexus Workflow using Grid Services
Guest Speakers Professor Daniel A. Reed, Chancellor's Eminent Professor, Vice Chancellor for IT and CIO, UNC-Chapel Hill: “Grid computing: 21st Century Challenges.” Dr. Wolfgang Gentzsch, Managing Director, MCNC Grid Computing and Networking Services: “Grid Computing in the Industry” Chuck Kesler, Director, Grid Deployment and Data Center Services, MCNC: “Security Policy, Legal, and Regulatory Challenges in Grid Computing Environments” Professor Ian Foster: Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory and University of Chicago: “The Grid: Beyond the Hype” Taped presentation (originally given at Duke University, Sept. 14, 2004).
(WebCT used for quizzes) Course Home Page (WebCT used for quizzes)
Papers Sept. 2004 - March 2005 M. A. Holliday, B. Wilkinson, J. House, S. Daoud, and C. Ferner, “A Geographically-Distributed, Assignment- Structured Undergraduate Grid Computing Course,” SIGCSE 2005, St. Louis, Missouri, Feb. 23 - 27, 2005. 32% acceptance rate. B. Wilkinson, M. Holliday, and C. Ferner, “Experiences in Teaching a Geographically Distributed Undergraduate Grid Computing Course,” Workshop on Grid Education, IEEE Int. Symp. on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid2005), Cardiff, UK, May 9 - 12, 2005 (accepted).
Presentations Sept. 2004 - March 2005 B. Wilkinson, “Introduction to Grid Computing and Applications in Computational Sciences,” Winston-Salem State University, Sept. 13, 2004. Mark Holliday, “Grids: Introducing Distributed Systems into the Undergraduate Curriculum,” Oct. 19, 2004, University of Portsmouth, UK. B. Wilkinson, “Grid Computing across North Carolina,” UNC- Charlotte graduate seminar series, Feb. 11, 2005. B. Wilkinson, “Introducing Grid Computing into the Undergraduate Curricula,” poster session, NSF Engineering and Computing Education Grantee Meeting, Feb. 16-18, 2005, Washington, DC. B. Wilkinson and M. Holliday, “State-Wide Collaborative Grid Computing Course,” 2005 Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference, March 30 - April 1, 2005, Raleigh, NC.
Fall 2005 Grid Computing Course To originate from UNC-Charlotte. Major course redesign to use Globus 4.0 that is due to be released in April 2005.