Teen Library Council Meeting 7:45 a.m. October 1, 2015
Officers President – Wilbert Ridley Vice President – Brittany Johnson Secretary – Lauryn Harper Treasurer - Jennifer Sosa
TLC Goals Main vision: Promote literacy in our school and community Plan library events Participate in community service Organize fundraisers for the library Partner with the public library Run the School Supply Store
Club Requirements $5.00 dues MUST be turned in to Mrs. Crowder by 3:15 p.m. on Tuesday, October 6, 2015. You MUST sign up to receive text/e-mail messages from Mrs. Crowder using the Remind app by Tuesday, October 6, 2015.
Club Requirements, cont. We need workers for the school store each morning and during Student Success on Thursdays. You MUST purchase a TLC t-shirt for $7.00 to wear to school and community events. We take attendance for each meeting, event, community service project, and fundraiser. (There will be a TLC awards day at the end of the year.)
Sign up for Remind You will immediately receive a reply. Respond with your first and last name to complete the process. Your cell phone number will not be displayed.
The Phone Tree An officer will be assigned to you and will send you important information and reminders. The Remind notifications come directly from Mrs. Crowder. Sign up today!
Committees 1. School Store Committee 2. Events Committee 3. Community Service Committee 4. Fundraisers Committee Sign up for one today!
TLC webpage >>Main SHS page >>Student Activities >>Teen Library Council Includes a calendar of events and a meetings/agenda page
Past Events
Community Service Riverdale Elementary School – Family Reading Night every third Tuesday of the month Capron Elementary School – Title I Meeting & AR Kickoff (October 8 from 6:00-7:15 p.m.)
Community Service Project #1 SHS Cares: Donate tote bags filled with a book, blanket, and stuffed animal to children in need (Southampton County Social Services)
Community Service Project #2 The Jared Box Project: Donate shoe boxes filled with a book and activities for sick children (SMH or CHKD)
Candy Fundraiser x 2 Take candy orders and hand them out after school (cannot be sold during school hours due to the school lunch program)
Candy Grams x 2 Thanksgiving and St. Patrick’s Day
Upcoming Dates See your handout!
Exit Ticket Sign up for a committee and give us your cell phone number for the officer’s phone tree