Corporate Hierarchy / Organization Structure This is the top level. Content uploaded here is exclusively available to your network of Sites to use. Any content added into the program here will play in every location in your entire network of sites, and be marked this color – the user can see but not edit this content in the playlist. This is also where you create User Roles / Restrictions – which can be applied to the entire network, a Region, a Co-op, or an individual site. Corporate This is the 2nd level. You can have as many Regions as you need – to match your actual network structure (e.g. territories of the country, provinces, states, etc.). Any content added to the program here will play in those locations assigned to this Region, and be marked this color – the user can see but not edit this content in the playlist. Regions This is the 3rd level. You can have as many Co-ops as you need – to match your actual network structure (e.g. states, counties, cities, DMAs, etc.). Any content added to the program here will play in those locations assigned to this Co-op, and be marked this color – the user can see but not edit this content in the playlist. Co-ops All of these new features are offered for free to every one of our Drive subscribers. The new login and interface will automatically be available on Dec 21st. You won’t need to do anything – just go to the login page and the goodies will be there. We’ll hold additional webinars to help our customers learn how to use these new features, as well as provide in-depth tutorials and helpful videos on our website. As always, you can call our Customer Success team for personalized help or information at 801-492-9900. This is for Owner groups who own more than 1 physical location. These owners can have locations that are affiliated with different Corp brands (e.g. the owner can see/manage content for their location with XYZ OE, and another for location with ABC OE). Owners are not tied to other hierarchy nodes. Owner Site / Shop This is the bottom, location user level where the program is installed and a subscription is applied. Any content added to the program here will play in those locations assigned to this Co-op, and be marked this color.
Corporate Hierarchy Organization for AutoNetTV Drive ___ Region ___ Region ___ Region ___ Region ___ Co-op ___ Co-op ___ Co-op ___ Co-op ___ Co-op ___ Co-op All of these new features are offered for free to every one of our Drive subscribers. The new login and interface will automatically be available on Dec 21st. You won’t need to do anything – just go to the login page and the goodies will be there. We’ll hold additional webinars to help our customers learn how to use these new features, as well as provide in-depth tutorials and helpful videos on our website. As always, you can call our Customer Success team for personalized help or information at 801-492-9900. Owner Owner Site / Shop Site / Shop Site / Shop Site / Shop Site / Shop Site / Shop Site / Shop Site / Shop Site / Shop Site / Shop