From Nintendo’s Perspective The Console Wars From Nintendo’s Perspective
First War
Unopposed Family Computer(Famicom)/Nintendo Entertainment System(NES) (1983/1985) Sold 61.91 million units
A Run for their Money Super Nintendo (SNES) (1990) 49.10 mil units Sega Genesis 29.54 mil units
The Mistake
Second War
Regret Nintendo 64 (1996) 32.93 mil units Sega Saturn 8.82 mil units Playstation 104.25 mil units
Third War
Retreat Playstation 2 157.68 mil units Sega Dreamcast 8.20 mil units Gamecube (2001) 21.74 mil units Xbox 24.65 mil units
Fourth War
Blindsiding Wii (2006) 101.18 mil units PS3 86.57 mil units Xbox 360
Motion Responses Microsoft Connect Playstation Move
Current War
Stale Xbox One 22.25 mil units Wii U 13.36 mil units PS4
Next War
Virtual Reality Playstation VR Virtual Boy (1995) Microsoft Hololens
Handhelds Nintendo Game Boy/ DS lines: 60.05 mil units (3DS) - 154.88 mil units (DS) Sega Gamegear (10.62 mil units) Sony Playstation Portable (80.82 mil units)
The Nintendo NX- Hybrid?
Who is going to win? ?
References Sega Playstation Results Future