OIL RICH country but people poor IRAN A. Old name – Persia Persian Rugs Persian Gulf OIL RICH country but people poor
Prior to 1979 – led by a King called the Shah of Iran Modernized Gave women rights Became like the west (US) The CIA of the USA helped put him in power
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Shah of Iran
Ayatollah Khomeini took over with Islamic Law Argo 1979 – Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khomeini took over with Islamic Law Called the US the Great Satan
Ayatollah Khomeini
THE USA The Shah fled for his life and went to…. C. The Shah fled for his life and went to…. THE USA We refused to return him to face charges in Iran.
US Embassy in Tehran, Iran attacked
Washington, DC
US in China
52 US citizens held captive for 444 days
USA and Iran became bitter enemies
Conflicts with USA Iran Nuclear Deal Nuclear weapons????? Support terrorists???? Destroy Israel????
https://youtu.be/CaqK-Ej9SF0 5:00 better one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGUI7kDLsQo&feature=related 2:20 overview of crisis Start at 1:06 after showing longer one
Mesopotamia located here: “Land between two rivers” IRAQ E. Mesopotamia located here: “Land between two rivers” Tigris and Euphrates
Former “EVIL” Leader – Saddam Hussein IRAQ F. Former “EVIL” Leader – Saddam Hussein
Iran and Iraq fought in the Gulf War over oil rights Who did the USA help? IRAQ!
No one, but Iran and Iraq’s oil fields were destroyed Winner? No one, but Iran and Iraq’s oil fields were destroyed $$$$ So…….
In 1991 Saddam attacks tiny Kuwait H. In 1991 Saddam attacks tiny Kuwait WHY?
1.) for their OIL! 2.) for their land – access to the Persian Gulf 3.) Kuwait used to be part of Iraq
Persian Gulf War Desert Storm (George Bush the Father) USA (UN) sends troops to Saudi Arabia to kick Saddam out of Kuwait We win quickly
As Saddam retreated he set over 700 of Kuwait’s oil fields on fire
After the Persian Gulf War: Saddam had to allow UN inspectors in to look for weapons of Mass Destruction Chemical, Biological, Nuclear
Kurds: Saddam Used chemical weapons on them. Live in Iraq
2000 Saddam Hussein kicked out UN weapons inspectors. The USA believed he was rebuilding his weapons of mass destruction.
2003 Without UN approval, the USA attacked Iraq and got rid of Saddam Hussein
Saddam Hussein was tried, convicted and executed by the Iraqi people.
2017 - The USA troops are out of Iraq. -Kurds / Sunnis / Shias fighting each other for control (Civil War?) -Democratic elections. -ISIS J.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DoxBG5zdxg 1:17 oil fires https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6y8qjPP_eg 9 min oil fires http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hk1_ZNjL5K0&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active 2:46 Middle East review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQPlREDW-Ro 5 min ISIS