DO: Today we will learn about the seven classification groups. 1/24 Agenda: Bell work Classification of Living things BP - Classification Materials: - Pencil Notebook Classification Packet DO: Today we will learn about the seven classification groups. DQ: There are 7 main ways to classify ALL living things. Write down what you think they are.
Definitions – Part B 1. Kingdom – the largest taxonomic group; has the largest variety of organisms 2. Phyla: more than one phylum 3. Genus: second smallest taxonomic group; made up of related species groups 4. Species: smallest and most specific taxonomic group b) only one kind of organism belongs to a species group c) members are not identical to each other (allows for individual differences) d) a group of organisms that can make offspring that are capable of reproducing
Mnemonic or Silly Dilly King Philip Came Over For Good Spaghetti KINGDOM, PHYLUM, CLASS, ORDER, FAMILY, GENUS, SPECIES
Scientific Naming System for Organisms Binomial Nomenclature Definitions: common name: name that is commonly used to identify an organism Examples: house cat, lion, gray wolf, pet dog, coyote, leopard frog
Binomial Nomenclature B) Reasons a Scientific Naming System was Needed: 1) Language differences make it difficult for scientists to communicate with each other. 2) Some organisms have more than one common name. 3) Some common names are misleading. Examples: Silverfish are insects, not fish. A seahorse is not a horse.
Binomial Nomenclature C. Carolus Linnaeus 1. Swedish scientist who lived in the 1700’s 2. He designed the scientific naming system for organisms.
Today’s scientific naming system for organisms 1. Language used was Latin because it was used by educated people. 2. Binomial nomenclature: a two-word naming system for organisms a. First word: (begins with a capital letter): This is the name of the genus group to which the organism belongs. b. Second word: (all lower case letters): This is the name of the species group to which the organism belongs. c. Scientific names are either underlined or written in italics.
Today’s scientific naming system for organisms Examples of scientific names of organisms Common Name Scientific Name Leopard Frog Rana Pipiens house cat Felis domesticus lion Panthera leo gray wolf Canis lupus pet dog Canis familiaris coyote Canis latrans human Homo sapien
Creating Scientific Names Latin endings for scientific names is us male endings ius a ia female endings onia um ium neutral endings
Creating Scientific Names Examples: Felis domesticus Ursus horribilis For Personal Names: 1st word 2nd word NOUN 1. ADJECTIVE 1st letter is a capital 2. all lower case letters Latin ending 3. Latin ending UNDERLINE 4. UNDERLINE Example #1: Froggius hoppius Example #2: Karena skatera Try making up your own name!!!
Classification Wrap-up Plants move by wind, water, or external forces (animals (Humans) Kingdom – classifies on basis of cellular organization & methods of nutrition – ingest, absorb or produce Phylum – classified on similarities in basic body plan or organization. 33 phyla. (Arthropod – (external skeleton), Mollusca – (soft, segmented body), Chordates- (Notochord-have a backbone - vertebrates), etc.
Classification So, here’s how the classification system works: Kingdom – ANIMAL or ANIMALIA Phylum – CHORDATA – has a backbone Class – MAMMALIA – has a backbone and nurses their young Order – RODENTIA – has a backbone, nurses their young, long sharp front teeth Family – SECURIDAE – has a backbone, nurses their young, has long sharp front teeth, and has a bushy tail Genus – TAMIASCIURUS – has a backbone, nurses their young, has long sharp front teeth, has a bushy tail and climbs trees Species – hudsonicus – brown fur on its back, white fur on its under side Tamiasciurus hudsonicus – brown squirrel
CLASSWORK: Spelling WORKSHEET #3 & 4 Classification WORKSHEET # 3 & 4 Scientific Name Game
Classify the following Saguaro cactus Gila monster Rattle snake Parrot Viper German Shepard Rose bush Whale Falcon sparrow Sea anemone penguin narwhal jaguar Platypus Douglas fir wolf Bat Eagle clam human Dolphin Strawberry Barrel cactus