Partnership in the fight against poverty:


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Presentation transcript:

Partnership in the fight against poverty: Good practices and recommendations Elodie Fazi, EAPN 8 December 2008

Intro: partnership and social inclusion 2. Partnership in structural funds governance 3. Creating the right environment at project level

1. Introduction: partnership and social inclusion

1. EAPN and structural funds What is the European Anti-Poverty Network? Created in 1990 24 national networks Structural funds matter for social inclusion 78 million Europeans facing poverty potential impact on poverty eradication (bringing resources and new approaches) - 12,4% ESF expenditure for inclusion + ERDF

1. Structural funds and partnership Essential in the fight against poverty (complex and multidimensional: employment, services, health, education) Requires bottom-up approaches and participation Key challenge: how to make progress in mainstream SF programmes after EQUAL?

2. Partnership in structural funds governance

2. Partnership in governance: what for? Art. 11 SF regulation requests involving stakeholders from planning to implementation (includes NGOs) Good governance principle (democracy and legitimacy) in potentially controversial contexts. But not only this: more transparency and better information - better absorption of funds (improved selection of projects and information to beneficiaries)

2. Some good practices in planning NSRFs and OPs Opening up consultations (NSRFs and OPs) Electronic consultation, but also hearings, working groups and regular dialogue on ESF and ERDF Transparent and open selection Beyond social partners, gender equality only Ensuring right process (clarity, time) Make it matter (impact and feedback)

2. Golden rules for partnership in monitoring committees - Open up beyond “traditional” partners through transparent selection process Involving social NGOs beyond ESF committees - Ask the sector to coordinate and give a clear mandate - Allow real participation by making all documents available in advance to everybody - Give full membership (not just observers): voting rights Strengthen partners’ capacity through training Some good practices but lack of common approach

3. Creating the right environment at project level

3. Who delivers projects (and how) matters NGOs as partners in structural funds delivery (art. 5.4 ESF) - need for multi-dimensional and integrated approach to inclusion (e.g. employment, social services…) adapt to needs of excluded groups (Roma...) Yet numerous obstacles (information, administrative capacity, co- and pre-financing) How to ensure that partnership goes beyond rhetoric?

3. Using technical assistance to strengthen partners’ ability to take part in projects Providing targeted training for NGOs (UK, MT, SP, FR…): - information on ESF and other funds - financial management - project management, monitoring and control Ongoing assistance for project preparation and appraisal: - application rounds implementation, evaluation and reporting

3. Providing adequate procedures and financial mechanisms Putting in place a global grant system (grant managed through intermediary body): UK, FR, PT, HU, SP… Providing: small-sized grants, 100% up-front financing accessible application systems and procedures - ‘light touch’ monitoring and reporting requirements support to applicants and grant recipients No significant progress in 2007-2013, even steps back

4. Conclusion 2007-2013: less progress that foreseen, less bottom-up Partnership sometimes more rhetoric than reality But not too late to act: European Parliament report requesting clear common definition and progress: role of the EC Partnership needed at EU level as well: need to implement what is requested from Member States