Custom Creative Capabilities – Build Your Own Build Your Own ads allow users to explore a product or brand through interactive customization. The interactivity encourages users to make the product their own and, in turn, makes the ad more personal. Build Your Own ads give advertisers the opportunity to showcase diversity in their brand, while increasing user engagement and interaction rates. Creative Services Website: Link Avg CTR 1.5% Avg Interaction 6.3% Avg Time 16.7sec Required Assets: Layered PSD file or high quality image assets (.PNG for transparent backgrounds)
Custom Creative Capabilities – Carousel Carousel units give advertisers the ability to showcase multi-page ads in a single unit. Research shows that ads with interactivity have a higher CTR and ads with a story have higher CVR. Carousels break up the horizontal space and offer an opportunity to tell a story through the multi-image capability. Creative Services Website: Link Avg CTR 6.1% Required Assets: Layered PSD file or high quality image assets
Custom Creative Capabilities – Click-to-Call A frictionless experience between impression-to-action is key when creating successful interactive ads. The click-to-call unit provides that option for advertisers who want their target audience to reach them instantly by phone. It gives the user the option to act immediately, right when they see the ad. Creative Services Website: Link Avg CTR 2.1% Avg Interaction 3.2% Avg Time 14sec Avg Call Rate 0.08% Required Assets: Layered PSD file or high quality image assets, 10-digit telephone number
Custom Creative Capabilities – Expandable Banner ads are a cost-effective asset for advertisers interested in scale and brand engagement, with available inventory on most screen sizes. Expandable banners in particular take those pros to the next level with the ability to add complexity to the ad when expanded. Expandable banners also provide another interaction metric (expansion rate) that advertisers can measure when looking at engagement, apart from CTR. Creative Services Website: Link Avg CTR 0.01% Avg Interaction 0.36% Avg Expansion Rate 0.36% Required Assets: Layered PSD file or high quality image files for both banner and interstitial sizes
Custom Creative Capabilities – Gallery To demonstrate the offerings of a product, communicate the characteristics of a brand, or display product diversity, an advertiser must have the option to go beyond a single static image. Interactive galleries allow advertisers to use various images to tell a story about their brands or products. Interactivity allows the user to be in control, and empowers them to explore the brand or product at their own pace. Creative Services Website: Link Avg CTR 2.7% Avg Interaction 6.8% Avg Time 17sec Required Assets: Layered PSD file or high quality image assets (.PNG for transparent backgrounds)
Custom Creative Capabilities – Location In a time where convenience is king, advertisers are tasked with making CTAs simple and easy. While getting a customer into a store may seem daunting, the location unit answers the questions of "How far is it?" and "Is there one close to me?" Location plug-n-play units allow advertisers to display exact locations in proximity to the user, and removes a step in the impression to purchase flow. Creative Services Website: Link Avg CTR 1.2% Avg Interaction 4.5% Avg Time 12.3sec Required Assets: Layered PSD file or high quality image assets, map search keyword or CSV of locations
Custom Creative Capabilities – Quiz Quiz units give the advertiser a way to customize messaging for a user based on the answers they select in the ad unit. It can also be used as a way to display services, products, or various options depending on how the quiz is setup. Creative Services Website: Link Avg CTR 2.7% Avg Interaction 6.8% Avg Time 17sec Required Assets: Layered PSD file or high quality image assets
Custom Creative Capabilities – Scratcher When working with interactivity, it is necessary to consider the time it takes for a user to learn how to use the ad. To avoid friction-- and the need for a tutorial--it is important to use actions that are simple and universal. The scratcher ad combines a known action with the excitement of revealing a message, image, or code to potentially increase user engagement. Creative Services Website: Link Avg CTR 1.3% Avg Interaction 6.3% Avg Time 16.3sec Required Assets: Layered PSD file or high quality image assets, including scratcher image and image under scratcher
Custom Creative Capabilities – Social Media Social Media units allow the advertiser to link their public Facebook or Twitter account within the unit as a live feed or header. This integration with the familiar UX of Facebook and Twitter removes the need for the user to learn how to interact with the ad. The unit allows users to take action immediately and directly within the ad unit, allowing for brand visibility and connection to the user's social media accounts even after the ad is closed. Creative Services Website: Link Required Assets: Layered PSD file or high quality image assets, social media information
Custom Creative Capabilities – Twitch The Twitch Live Stream ad allows advertisers to show a live Twitch video stream within their ads. Twitch is a leading social and gaming platform that allows users and companies to broadcast and share live gaming footage. This template combines the high impact of our video rich media ads with a custom Twitch video integration, to offer an engaging live broadcast unit. Creative Services Website: Link Avg CTR 5.6% Required Assets: Layered PSD file or high quality image assets, Twitch channel URL.
Custom Creative Capabilities – Video Rich media video units allow for the insertion of video files into a creative without the need of VAST. Depending on the ad size and video orientation, it can be designed with brandable areas that may contain logos, copy, buttons, design elements or other interactive elements. Creative Services Website: Link Avg CTR 5.6% Avg Interaction 13.1% Avg Time 16.8sec Required Assets: 15 sec video file (.mp4) and layered PSD file or high quality image assets
Custom Creative Capabilities – Video Ad Carousel As story-telling becomes more prevalent in the mobile space, Video Ad Carousels allow an advertiser to string together moments and perspectives through short clips instead of being confined to one small ad frame. By allowing ads to break the horizontal space (not just the vertical), advertisers now have more flexibility to create more compelling creatives. Creative Services Website: Link Avg CTR 5.6% Avg Interaction 13.1% Avg Time 16.8sec Required Assets: 15 second videos (.mp4), and layered PSD file or high quality image assets