HTR Careers Unit E Part 2 Review
~Perfusionist: works in the OR during open heart surgery-takes care of the bypass machine and monitors the patient’s vital signs!!!!
Mortuary Careers
~Mortician-same as a Funeral Director-first to see the family and will interview them to get details about the deceased to plan the funeral
~Embalmer-dress/make up/ help the deceased look good and will use embalming fluid to preserve the body
: Writing an obituary-make sure you do not include the address of the deceased
Registered nurse (RN)-most RN’s are employed in hospitals, but can work in the home, school, factories, and nursing homes as well as have their own business and can teach and do research!!!!!-MOST hospital registered nurses provide total care to patients!!!
A Doctorate level nurse will make around $100,000/year
~ Licensed Practical/Vocational nurse (LPN, LVN)-this nurse will work under the direction of the RN, but can still give certain kinds of medications and treatments to patients
~ Nurse Assistant (CNA)-This will be in the form of a geriatric aide, patient care tech., a home health assistant and will be certified
Skill: Body mechanics-make sure you tighten your core (abdominal muscles) and if at all possible pull, push or slide something heavy!!!
You must know proper body mechanics so you do not injure yourself on the job.
Skill: Hand washing-make sure you wash for 10-15 sec Skill: Hand washing-make sure you wash for 10-15 sec. and always turn off the faucet with the paper towel, not your freshly washed hand
~Dietician –RD (registered dietician) will go to school for 4 years and get Bachelor’s degree/will plan, balance, and analyze nutrient content of meals and will follow medical guidelines-they can also teach nutrition and specialize in certain areas
~Dietetic Assistant –will work under the dietician and brings the tray to patient in their room and assist in preparation of food after directed what to make by the RD
Skill: Feeding a patient-when feeding a patient, it is important to allow them to do as much as possible
Occupational Therapist-will help people adjust to life with their disabilities/ will assist with adaptive equipment (4 years)- Using prosthetic leg(abbreviated OT)
Pharmacist -5-6 years in school-lots of math and chemistry used
~Physical Therapist –will need to learn therapeutic massage and will assist with patients resuming as much ability after accident or injury (abbreviated PT)
Physical Therapy Assistant – can use massage as well
Recreational Therapist-will manage recreational activities that will improve health of the patients like gyms for disabled/institutionalized kids and a game room for geriatrics in a nursing home-will plan trips and guests to entertain
~Respiratory Therapist –takes care of patients with lung disorders/breathing problems/O2 therapy/nebulizer treatments!!
Art or Music Therapist will work with children and adults who often have special needs (mentally handicapped) or are disabled to assist them in dealing with their disabilities or expressing themselves in different ways
~Veterinarian (DVM)-This is the doctor that can perform surgery like spay and neuter your pets/give your pet’s medicine and vaccines
Veterinary Assistant-no college-on the job training-if you want to work with animals and don’t want to go to college/good career choice
~Optician-can fix the glasses
~Ophthalmologist (MD)-will prescribe and diagnose-works at a vision center in the mall or like Wal-Mart or have their own business
Skill: Vision Screening-use an occlude when checking with eye chart (if not you can use an index card)