Planets You are about to see a power point of all the planets including Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Enjoy!
Mercury Planet number one Has no water NOT the hottest planet Terrestrial planet Spins clock-wise
Venus Planet number two Hottest planet 450 degrees Celsius 800 degrees Fahrenheit Terrestrial planet Known as the Earth’s sister Earth’s size Spins counter-clock-wise Named after Aphrodite, the god of love and beauty
Earth Planet number three The only planet to take care of life Terrestrial planet Spins clock-wise This planet is very special because it has water, air, and all the other objects we need to survive.
Mars Owns the tallest mountain Made up of iron and rocks Two moons Planet number four Known as red planet Spins clock-wise
Jupiter Planet number five Big storm Gas planet Named after Zeus, the god of gods Spins clock-wise
Saturn Planet number six Gas planet Forty-five moons Rings made out of ice and rock
Uranus Tilted Planet number seven Gas planet Scientists think Uranus has rings that are like a bike because it was hit by another planet earlier in time.
Neptune Planet number eight Gas planet Twelve+ moons Named after Posidon, the god of the sea