Trimester System and the New Curriculum
Why are we changing? We believe our students should have an education that provides: More flexibility and choice An adaptable schedule for the BC New Curriculum More time on task Built in time for innovation, support, or extension.
How are we going to do this? The Trimester System Sample Grade 10 Schedule Trimester One- 13 weeks (Starts Sept 3) Trimester Two- 13 weeks (Starts Dec 3) Trimester Three- 13 weeks (Starts April 1) English 10A Second Language 10B or Elective 1B Careers Science 10A English 10B PE & Health 10B Second Language 10A Elective 1A Math 10B Science 10B PE & Health 10A Elective 2A Socials 10B Math 10A Socials 10A Elective 2B
Trimester One- 13 weeks (Starts Sept 3) Sample Grade 11 Schedule Trimester One- 13 weeks (Starts Sept 3) Trimester Two- 13 weeks (Starts Dec 3) Trimester Three- 13 weeks (Starts April 1) English 11A Elective 1B Careers Science option 11A English 11B Elective 3A Elective 1A Math 11B Science option 11B Elective 2A Social Studies 11B Math 11A Social studies 11A Elective 2B
The Trimester Advantage The Trimester system is somewhat unique because it claims many of the advantages typically associated with both traditional (linear) and block schedules (semester). - Optimal Scheduling for Secondary Students Hanover Research (February 2014)
What it is … Increased time in classes from 19 to 26 weeks. Classes shortened to 60 mins average from 81 mins More flexibility as students are able to take ½ a core class with two different teachers. Dedicated time (Flex) inside the timetable for students to get extra one-on-one help from teachers, pursue passion projects, or manage their workload. Trimester transitions are aligned with natural breaks in the school year (winter and spring break). More opportunities for students
What it’s not … Not a change to the number of courses students take (still 8 courses, 32 credits) Not a change to graduation plans or pathways
Our District’s Framework for Learning The primary goals for School District #52: To improve Literacy and Numeracy for all students. To improve Transition and Graduation rates. Focus on the Big Ideas of the New Curriculum We believe the trimester system aligns with these goals.
What is coming for the New Curriculum? Self assessment of the Core Competencies (All grades in 2019-20) Students will be taking 8 credits of Careers classes (2 credits during each year) Careers replaces Planning 10 and Grad Transitions. This includes a Capstone Project in the senior year with the following components:
The New Curriculum Advantage Split Careers into 4, 2 credit courses spread over grades 9-12. Use Flex time to provide opportunities for students to self assess on their Core Competency progress. Flex time will encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning and time management. Flex time will allow students to use school time to explore their own passions, encouraging creativity and innovation.