1st General Meeting Sign in via Google Form: Password: welcomeback
WELCOME BACK!! What’s New? Point System Changes New and exciting socials New service opportunities New workshop series New Forum system Mentorship Program New Hospital Partnership New Meeting Room (All following gen meetings in PAI 3.02)
Dues National Dues Premedical membership: $75 4-5 years Benefits include: Free MCAT flashcards Kaplan discounts Kaplan Scholarships For more detailed instructions, visit Local Dues 1 semester: $30 2 semester: $50 2 years: $80 Venmo, Check Cash ALL DUES NEED TO BE TURNED IN BY 2nd GENERAL MEETING
Point Requirements Meeting Volunteer Social Fundraising Med Res Total Bronze 4 2 1 20 Silver (officer Eligible) 30 Gold (Officer Eligible) 40 Benefits include: Free end of the year boat party Attendance! Eligibility for Kaplan MCAT Scholarships Point sheet will be posted at Both national and local dues must be paid before your name is added on the sheet If you have any questions or concerns about the point requirements or the point sheet, please email
Makeup Meetings Hobnob with Hayden Meeting or social point Catch up on announcements Learn about gene therapy
Tabling Overview How Do I Sign Up? Spreadsheet on website to sign up for shifts What Do I Do? Instructions on spreadsheet
SOCIALS! MOVIE NIGHT Let’s Be ACTIVE! Peter Pan Mini Golf Friday (1/26) 7-9pm Food and drinks! MEZ Let’s Be ACTIVE! Thursday (2/1) 5-7pm Basketball Courts Peter Pan Mini Golf Saturday (2/3) 6-8pm Meet at Littlefield Fountain at 5:30
SOCIALS! Assassins (Daniel) Karaoke Saturday (2/10) 7-9pm Meet at Littlefield Fountain at 6:30pm
Volunteering Events! Condom Distribution Network Friday 1/26, 4-5:30 PM Leave from Littlefield Fountain at 3:40 PM Central Texas Food Bank Saturday 1/27, 1:30-4:30 PM Leave from Littlefield Fountain at 1:00 PM Read event description thoroughly BEFORE signing up Holiday Cards for St. David’s Patients Monday 1/29, 7:30-8:30 PM Meet at 7:30 PM at SAC 1.106
Volunteering Events! The Q Austin Micah 6 Food Pantry Friday 2/2, 3-5 PM Meet at the Q (Dean Keeton and Medical Arts) at 3 PM Micah 6 Food Pantry Friday 2/3, 9 AM-12:30 PM Meet at the side of University Presbyterian Church at 8:45AM AGE of Central Texas Austin Marathon Sunday 2/18, 6:30-11:30AM Meet at the University Catholic Center parking lot Austin Speech Labs Individual volunteering at
WARRIOR DASH!!! Saturday 3/3, 12-8 PM 8 volunteer points (!!!), 1 fundraising point, 1 social point (we’ll be getting dinner after the event) Come out to help AMSA fundraise and to get a rad free shirt!
Medical Resources Events A NEW Pre-Medical Workshops Medicine?: a Four Part Series on How to Succeed as a Pre-Med. Part 1: Motivation Part 2: Pre-Med Timeline Part 3: Application Process Part 4: Interviewing Later in the semester we will be going to a pre-medical conference held by a medical school. Look out for other resources on how to volunteer in hospitals, get shadowing experience, and various HPO events.
AMSA’s Website! Track your points Search and sign up for events Gallery, points, requirements, benefits... Officers’ contact info NEW: Forum!
Forum AMSA exclusive Two parts: forum and professor reviews Forum (not for points) Place to ask, express, and discuss Professor reviews (for points) 1 bonus point/ 2 reviews Max 2 bonus points Password announced at second general meeting
FAMSA Re-work (Mentorship) Matching Criteria - Classification, Area of Study, Hobbies/Interests, Notable Experiences, Specialty Requests Minimum of 3 meetups per semester (>30 minutes) Awarded 1 bonus point per event for a maximum of 6 No-show penalties & Re-matching process Short form will be posted by the end of the week
Higher Distinction Benefits Silver/Gold/Platinum Finals Food Session/Care Package Priority Selection for Specialty & Health Professions Events Intensive Individualized Interview Session Additional Undecided Events Gold/Platinum Medical School Admissions Requirements (MSAR) Access
Dr. Richard Nauert Ph.D., MHA, MHF, PT
Sign in via Google Form: Password: welcomeback