The International Catholic Foundation for the Service for Deaf Persons Lighting Our Way With Hope
Who we are…. The ICF is a movement of Communion among Deaf and hearing people from various countries brought together by the Holy Spirit out of a common conviction that Deaf persons are called to the fullness of life in Christs body which is the Church. NOBODY ELSE IS DOING THIS WORK! NOBODY ELSE IS DOING THIS WORK!
Where we hope to go from here… Our gathering in Rome gifted us with great momentum! ICF wishes to continue the COMMUNIO ICF hopes to foster and help execute International Catholic Deaf Ministry networking. Support an – Each One Reach One; Each One Teach One continuous ministry through networking support.
Itinerant Deaf Ministry Teams Small teams of Deaf and hearing Pastoral Workers from various countries around the globe to visit areas with no currently established ministry (or developing ministry) Programs to supply support, share resources, aid in networking, serve as a clearing house for best practice models, empower Deaf Catholic persons to acquire the needed skills to LEAD the Deaf Ministry in their local community.
Continue Deaf Youth Ecuentro Gatherings Continue to support and encourage the Catholic Deaf Youth Ecuentros happening in Central America Joe Mulcrone is spear heading this effort with Chelo Manero-Soto and Ian Robertson. The next Catholic Deaf Youth Ecuentro gathering is scheduled for Summer See the ICF website for updates! This Catholic Deaf Youth Gathering MODEL- could be replicated in other areas of the world.
International Gatherings Rome 2008 was ICFs 12 th Conference- the second in Rome. ICF HOPES to be able to continue to gather people for Conferences like this one every 4 to 5 years.
Resources ICF has books from many of our past Conferences available There are also collections of Religious Education Materials, Adult Formation, Marriage Prep Materials and the like- collected on CD ROM formats- and available to all who wish a copy. There are currently two DVDs on Liturgical Sign Language available As much of this material as possible will be posted (or is all ready posted) on our web site. Please let me know what would best serve you to be posted on the web.
WE NEED YOU! None of this is possible without YOU! 1.Become a FRIEND of ICF (forms are on line or contact 2.Keep in touch! 3.Send us your websites so we can link them into the ICF website 4.Send us news and happenings from your corner of the world and we will post your information on the news link of our website
What is next? September Full Board Meeting; Liverpool, England Continued efforts to seek funding sources and operating monies to keep the doors open! March Symposium; University of Leuven- Belgium July Deaf Youth Ecuentro; Mexico
Alone we are able to bring the Light to one small area….
TOGETHER We can light the world.
From here… Let us take the light, generated by our time together in Rome- and continue to shine that light for all to see. 1.For the Church to recognize the gifts and talents of Deaf persons and REJOICE in the contributions of all Deaf Catholics. 2.To collaborate with like minded ministries around the world to strengthen that light 3.To CELEBRATE our Church being ALL THE PEOPLE OF GOD- Many Languages- One Faith Let us become that BRIGHT LIGHT shining forward together.