Industrial Revolution Jeopardy Review Society & Change American Revolution Industrial Revolution Colonization Enlightenment Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question The time when people transitioned from a farming society to one centered in cities and focused on factories and business was called the ______________.
Industrial Revolution $100 Answer Industrial Revolution
$200 Question Explain this quote: “Change is certain, progress is not”
$200 Answer Change is inevitable….there is no way to stop the world from changing. Whether or not that change is positive and in a way that progressively change the world depends on the people and situations that occur.
$300 Question Why did the colonies decide on a democracy as their style of government after winning the American Revolutionary War?
$300 Answer The people wanted a voice, a say in what happened in their country. They hated the absolute monarchy and a democracy was the best form of gov’t. to represent ALL the people of the new nation.
$400 Question The individuals IN the gov’t. and the TYPE of gov’t. in France changed many times during the French Revolution. How would this make life difficult in France at that time?
$400 Answer People need rules. Society becomes a mess when citizens don’t know how their nation will be run. Every country needs a set of standards and policies that govern it so the people can know how things operate and feel safe in that nation.
$500 Question Why were children allowed to work in factories during the Industrial Revolution? Why wouldn’t there be laws against it like there are now?
$500 Answer Factories had never EXISTED prior to the Industrial Revolution saw laws were not in place for how they operated. Plus, people struggled financially so allowing kids to help bring in $ was something many families had to do to get by in these trying times.
$100 Question from Enlightenment This Enlightenment thinker wrote a book titled Leviathan. He believed all people were wicked and supported an absolute form of government.
$100 Answer from Enlightenment Thomas Hobbes
$200 Question from Enlightenment “I may not agree with what you have to say… but I will defend to the death, your right to say it” Which Enlightenment philosopher said this?
$200 Answer from Enlightenment Voltaire
$300 Question from Enlightenment John Locke believed that all people were born with “natural rights” such as ______________, _____________ and _______________.
$300 Answer from Enlightenment Life, Liberty, & Property
$400 Question from Enlightenment The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement that stressed the importance of ___________ & ___________.
$400 Answer from Enlightenment Logic & Reason
$500 Question from Enlightenment Which of the following Revolutions were inspired by the thoughts of the Enlightenment philosophes? French Revolution Haitian Revolution American Revolution
$500 Answer from Enlightenment A and C
$100 Question from Industrial Revolution Which European country possessed the natural and financial resources necessary for industrialization to first take place?
$100 Answer Industrial Revolution England
$200 Question Industrial Revolution This invention allowed for factories to be built anywhere. Not just near a water source anymore.
$200 Answer Industrial Revolution The Steam Engine
$300 Question Industrial Revolution What does a business NEED to have in order to start a factory and begin the process of industrialization?
$300 Answer Industrial Revolution Land, Labor, and Capital
$400 Question Industrial Revolution As a result of the industrial revolution, more people moved to big cities. This big city growth is referred to as ___________________.
$400 Answer Industrialization Urbanization
$500 Question Industrial Revolution Give 3 negative effects of the Industrial Revolution.
$500 Answer from Industrial Revolution Increased Crime Rate Child Labor Pollution Division of rich and poor Dangerous working conditions
$100 Question This organization protested the Tea Act in many ways, including the infamous Boston Tea Party
$100 Answer Sons of Liberty
$200 Question Which two (2) European nations helped the colonists in their fight against England, hoping to create trading partners against their hated English rivals?
$200 Answer France & Spain
$300 Question What phrase became the rallying cry against King George’s many crippling taxes?
$400 Question Name two (2) of the southern colonies prior to the American Revolution, OTHER than North & South Carolina.
$400 Answer -Georgia -Maryland -Virginia
$500 Question Which event in colonial America occurred after rocks and snowballs were thrown at British soldiers?
$100 Question Colonization How is a King with absolute power much different than a President?
$100 Answer from What is Power? King can do whatever he likes, is not bound by law and can use the nation’s money however he chooses. He also comes to power by birth, not through election.
$200 Question from What is Power? How did Watt’s invention of the Steam Engine change the world?
$200 Answer from What is Power? The steam engine became the go-to way to power machines of all types. This led to machines replacing manual labor by people and improved everything from factory life to how we travel.
$300 Question from What is Power? Why were the bourgeousie angry with the 1st and 2nd estates?
$300 Answer from What is Power? They were upset because they did not have any power in the legislature to make changes or improve their situation. On top of that, THEY paid all the taxes in France while the rich paid nothing.
$400 Question from What is Power? How is an absolute monarchy different from a constitutional or limited monarchy?
$400 Answer from What is Power? Absolute monarchs have no limitations on what they can do. In a constitutional or limited monarchy, the King has power…but must follow the constitution of the land and the laws in it.
$500 Question from What is Power? How is the concept of mercantilism a type of power that England had during the years prior to the American Revolution?
$500 Answer from What is Power? In a system of mercantilism, the mother country (England) takes resources from the colonies (America) and uses it for its own benefit. This is done while restricting what the colonies can do, who they can trade with, etc.