SEIFFEN, A XMAS VILLAGE IN SAXONY (GERMANY) Seiffen is a village nestled in the very heart of the Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains) in Saxony, about 50 km south of Dresden, close to the border with the Czech Republic. It is quite remote and accessed by small minor and winding roads. Due to the decline of the once flourishing silver and tin mining industry in the 17th century, miners were forced to look for a new basis of existence. They got the idea to use the wealth of the huge forests of the Erzgebirge as a raw material source and to turn the carving of wood, which beforehands was considered as a side activity, into their main source of income. A new trade developed, which in the course of time made the Erzgebirge the Xmas region of Germany. Dominique LAURENT Meet me on or AUTOMATIC NO COMMERCIAL USE WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL
The local population produces a variety of wood objects : Nutcrackers (Nussknackers in German) : the most famous figures are those representing a king (könig), hussard (hussar), angels … Smoking men (Räuchermännchen in German) (there is a quasi infinite variety of these) Pyramids (carousels with figures related to the Nativity, the life of Christ, the miners life …) Candle arches (Schwibbögen in German), often displayed at windows, symbolising the entrance of a mine Miniatures in match boxes Music boxes Toys …
Wood model of Seiffen in winter (Seiffen museum)
Large (1m high) nutcrackers (the ‘king’)
Bergkirche (Seiffen church)
A shop with a ‘Schwibbögen’ (bottom right)
<- Angle of a house with wood carvings Large ‘Tannenbaumer’ (Xmas tree) ->
‘Schwibbögen’ (Candle arch) outside of a house (note the text in Erzgebirge dialect : in German, it reads ‘mein heimat ist in Erzgebirge’ = my homeland is the Ore mountains)
Large (1,5 m high) nutcrackers (‘König’)
Candle arches
‘Schwibbögen’ (Candle arches) in front of houses
<-‘Räuchermann’ (a very large wood model) A very large pyramid ->
‘Pyramiden’ (the small propeller at the top will set the pyramid spinning when candles are lit at its basis)
<- Pyramid (present) Pyramid (old, 19th century, in museum) ->
Traditional nutcracker (king on horseback) Angel & miner
The ‘Kuss manneln’ (lovers)
Angel & miner on a balcony
Scene on a shop
Pyramids & other objects
Räuchermännchen (smokers) The smoke of burning incense will go out thru the mouth
Carol singers figurines
Nutcrackers (Hussards)
Typical miniatures in matchboxes
2 angels and a man (old figurines, Seiffen museum)
Old chandelier (Seiffen museum)
Old chandelier (Seiffen museum)
Old chandelier (left) & detail of an old chandelier (above) (Seiffen museum)
Old human size animated toys (Seiffen museum)
Old toy box & hussard (Seiffen museum)
Old smokers figurines (Räuchermännchen) (Seiffen museum)
‘Glory to God in the highest ; Peace on Earth’ (old small wood model, Seiffen museum)
Old music box (Seiffen museum)
Old nutcrackers (Seiffen museum)
Traditional workshop
Making animal figures (bottom) : A ‘stamm ring tier’ (right)
Public lightning END