22 Yoga
Key Questions Do I have to twist myself into the shape of a pretzel to enjoy the benefits of yoga? Is yoga the same thing as meditation? What can I do to prepare myself for practicing yoga to get the most out of it? Is yoga a New Age cult or a religion? How many times a week should I do yoga, and for how long?
Objectives Explain the meaning, purpose, and benefits of yoga. Differentiate between types of yoga. Learn how to prepare for yoga practice. Practice various yoga poses designed to promote well-being and relaxation.
Yoga System of physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation to promote bodily or mental control and well-being
FYI: Yoga in the Mainstream In 2012, 20.4 million Americans practiced yoga, compared to 15.8 million in 2008 Majority (62.8%) fall within the age range of 18-44 Top reasons for practicing yoga Flexibility (78.3%) General conditioning (62.2%) Stress relief (59.6%) Improve overall health (58.5%) Physical fitness (55.1%) Sources: Yoga in America Study 2012. Retrieved April 1, 2014 from http://www.yogajournal.com/press/yoga_in_america.
Background Mind-body intervention that originated in India nearly 5,000 years ago Yoga theories and practices known as the yoga sutras include: Yama, meaning restraint—refraining from violence, lying, stealing, casual sex, and hoarding Niyama, meaning observance—purity, contentment, tolerance, study, and remembrance
Background Mind-body intervention that originated in India nearly 5,000 years ago Yoga theories and practices are known as the yoga sutras
Yoga Sutras Asana—physical exercises Pranayama—breathing techniques Pratyahara—preparation for meditation, described as withdrawal of the mind from the senses Dharana, concentration—being able to hold the mind on one object for a specified time
Yoga Sutras (cont’d.) Dhyana, meditation—the ability to focus on one thing (or nothing) indefinitely Samadhi, absorption—realization of the essential nature of the self Yoga has no political or religious boundaries Anyone can practice yoga, regardless of age, sex, or physical condition
Overview of Yoga Styles Hatha yoga Simple poses that flow from one to the other at a comfortable pace Iyengar yoga Classical style of yoga that is softer on the body and is well-suited for beginners and those who haven’t exercised in a while
Overview of Yoga Styles (cont’d.) Ashtanga yoga (power yoga) Preferred choice for athletes Light on meditation but heavy on developing strength and stamina Kundalini yoga Incorporates mantras, meditations, visualizations, and guided relaxation
Overview of Yoga Styles (cont’d.) Bikram yoga Done in a hot room Moves sequentially through 26 postures that are performed in a precise order Kripalu yoga Spontaneous, flowing, and meditation- orientated
Overview of Yoga Styles (cont’d.) Sivananda yoga Series of 12 poses Includes sun salutation, breathing exercises, relaxation, and mantra chanting
Benefits of Yoga Used as a treatment for a range of health conditions Practiced by healthy adults for health maintenance and disease prevention Benefits include: Reduced stress Sound sleep Reduced cortisol levels
Benefits of Yoga (cont’d.) Improvement of many medical conditions Allergy and asthma symptom relief Lower blood pressure Smoking cessation help Lower heart rate Spiritual growth Sense of well-being
Benefits of Yoga (cont’d.) Reduced anxiety and muscle tension Increased strength and flexibility Slowed aging process
Research Highlight: Effects of Yoga on Stress Yoga can reduce stress in healthy adults More research needed to identify yoga’s long- term effects and the underlying biological mechanisms Source: “Effects of Yoga on Stress Management in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review,” by C. Chong, M. Tsunaka, H. Tsang, E. Chan, and W. Cheung, Alternative Therapies, 17(1) (2011): 32–38.
Benefits of Yoga – Development and Growth When individuals are in a given pose, they move in the direction of their physical limits of flexibility Once they have found that limit, they ease back a little and then, with each exhalation, move through that limitation, slowly, gently, and easily Process of moving through the limitations is translated into other areas of life
Yoga Alleviates the Symptoms of Many Conditions TABLE 22.1 Yoga Alleviates the Symptoms of Many Conditions
Hatha Yoga Especially effective for inducing a state of energized relaxation Consists of regulating the mind and body through breathing exercises (pranayamas) and more than 200 balanced physical postures or poses (asanas)
Hatha Yoga – Postures Postures—Asanas Increase blood flow to specific areas of the body and stimulate them with a squeezing action that massages internal organs Yoga poses increase flexibility in the spine Develop three primary facets of fitness Power, flexibility, and balance Goal of asana practice is to restore mind and body to its natural condition of well-being, alertness, and potentially peak performance
Hatha Yoga – Breathing and Meditation Pranayama—Breathing Bridge that connects the mind and body Key to yoga breath is to avoid straining Ujjayi breathing Dhyana—Meditation Focusing the mind, putting your attention directly on something in a passive and interested way
Putting It All Together Yoga postures, controlled breathing, and mental focus work on all dimensions of the mind and body Physically Mentally Emotionally Spiritually Behaviorally
How to Practice Yoga Typical yoga session proceeds through a series of poses Practitioner is mindful of what is happening in the body, entering and ending each pose slowly, breathing fully and deeply in and out through the nose, and enjoying the process
Taking Precautions before Starting Yoga Yoga, overall, is generally considered safe Check with your doctor if you have: Joint problems History of low back or neck pain Balance problems Uncontrolled high blood pressure Certain eye conditions, including glaucoma Severe osteoporosis Pregnancy Artificial joints
Tips for Enhancing Your Yoga Experience Perform yoga on an empty stomach Experience the benefits of yoga by practicing as little as one hour per week When possible, practice at the same time every day Go at your own pace
Tips for Enhancing Your Yoga Experience Be patient with yourself Enjoy the experience
Finding a Yoga Class Consider the following in selecting a yoga class Instructor qualifications Instructor experience working with students with your needs or health concerns Suitability for beginners Focus of the class What you need to bring to class
Sample Poses See Table 22.2 and Figure 22.1
Common Yoga Poses TABLE 22.2 Common Yoga Poses
Common Yoga Poses TABLE 22.2 Common Yoga Poses
Common Yoga Poses TABLE 22.2 Common Yoga Poses
Salutation to the Sun FIGURE 22.1 Salutation to the Sun Source: Yoga for Fitness and Wellness (2nd ed.), by R. Dykema (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2012).
Conclusion Yoga signifies union of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit into one harmonious and integrated whole
Lab 22.1: Yoga Practice On two separate occasions, experiment with a variety of poses according to the instructions and pictures in the text Reflect on your experiences Include a brief review of what you poses you chose and a comparison of yoga to other techniques you have tried