Key Information Update for Locality Network Members VANL Key Information Update for Locality Network Members Autumn 2014
Early Years Collaborative… VANL hosting new Early Years Development Worker post on behalf of Voluntary Sector Partnership Group Care Inspectorate reviewing children’s services in North Lanarkshire during October 2014, with voluntary sector services included in inspection Voluntary Sector Children and Families Network continues to facilitate sector representation at key groups Advocacy to simplify process for voluntary sector groups to apply to EYC Change Fund Contacts at Voluntary Action NL: - Joyce Morgan for EYC on 01698 358866 - Sharon Bissett for Children and Families Network on 01236 748011 Full guidelines can be download from OSCR website at
VANL Organisational Development Training Programme… Calendar of training programmes for August- December 2014 available for download at Courses available in the following areas: Finance, Funding and Sustainability Governance and Management Information, Communication and Technology Additional Certificated Courses Most courses free of charge to VANL members (£30 for non- members)
Locator Tool for Voluntary Sector Services for Older People… Online tool enabling senior citizens to search for services in their localities of North Lanarkshire Details of over 250 organisations and 40 searchable categories, including befriending services, lunch clubs, day care services, health services and more Locator Tool can be accessed by visiting: Activity undertaken as part of Reshaping Care for Older People Change Plan
RCOP Volunteering Development Training Programmes... Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire delivering free training for older people (65+) and voluntary sector organisations supporting older people Training in following areas: Equality and Diversity, Conflict Resolution, Basic IT, Befriending, Communications and Listening, Personal Development, REHIS Food Hygiene (and more) For further information about training available, contact Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire on 01698 358866 ons/gift-aid-and-digital-giving (closing date for responses is Friday 20 September 2013)
Keep Volunteering Voluntary… Campaign launched in response to UK Government’s planned Community Work Placement Scheme Scheme will force unemployed people onto six- month unpaid work placements within local councils and voluntary sector organisations Voluntary Sector Partnership Group opposed to ‘mandated’ volunteering Organisations can sign up to support the campaign:
Games Volunteering Legacy… Approximately 18,000 volunteers helped make the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games a huge success Additional 250 North Lanarkshire Council volunteers supported cycling time trial and triathlon events Contact VANL on 01698 358866 for details of further sports volunteering opportunities in local area ‘Get Active Lanarkshire’ campaign keen to create physical activity legacy from The Games http://www.scvo. news/eurogroup-updates/
Well Connected Speed Networking… Social Prescribing for Mental Health Lanarkshire partnership Speed Networking Event on Monday 22 September 2014 from 1.30pm-3.30pm at Gartlea Community Centre, Airdrie Partner input about services provided for users with mental health issues Contact Lynne McGinnes on 01236 771066 or e-mail lynne.mcginness@lanarkshire.s to book places Lynne.McGinnes@lanarkshire. or telephone 01236 771066 Helpline is open seven days a week until 11pm and is free to call on 08080 101011 E-mail support also available at For further information about helpline service, contact Catherine Cush on 0141 221 0544 Classes to help develop skills and Calendar of free 90-minute classes being run across Lanarkshire during August, September and October 2013 For further information, and to book free places, contact 08458 725 132 or e-mail
Shared Care Scotland Short Breaks Fund… Grants available for organisations working with carers and people they support Typical projects funded include: Short breaks, play schemes for disabled children, activity schemes or youth clubs for disabled young people, befriending and buddying schemes, sports activities Applications from North Lanarkshire area low and being encouraged Contact Alison Stevenson on 01383 622462 for further information about applying ons/gift-aid-and-digital-giving (closing date for responses is Friday 20 September 2013)
CLD Partnership Strategy 2014-18… NL Community Learning and Development Partnership has released a CL&D Partnership Strategy 2014-18 Vision of strong vibrant community where everyone is committed to improving quality of life, work and attainment For further information about Strategy, contact David Young at North Lanarkshire Council CL&D on 01236 812835 Classes to help develop skills and Calendar of free 90- minute classes being run across Lanarkshire during August, September and October 2013 For further information, and to book free places, contact 08458 725 132 or e-mail stresscontrol@lanarkshire.sco
NL Properties LLP Trust… Ownership of previous North Lanarkshire Council properties now with NL Properties LLP Trust Previous concerns about voluntary sector organisations renting local authority premises being asked to pay VAT on rent An exemption opportunity has now been identified for charities to claim back VAT Contact Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire on 01236 748011 for further support
Key Campaign Dates 2014-15… CSV Make a Difference Day Saturday 25 October 2014 Social Enterprise Day Thursday 20 November 2014 UN International Volunteer Day Friday 5 December 2014 Student Volunteering Week 23 February – 1 March 2015 For information regarding local festivities for these voluntary sector campaigns, please contact Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire on 01236 748011
Citizens Advice Scotland Zero Contract Hours Concerns… A report from Citizens Advice Scotland has raised concerns about Zero Hour Contracts Thousands of Scots left in poverty by rogue employers use of ZHC Workers left with little or no control over working hours and therefore pay Full report available at estimates that this has affected 4,600 Scottish households including up to 10,000 children Over half of households affected have lost at least £50 per week, while over a quarter have lost £100 per week (£5,000 per year)
OSCR Annual Report Publishing… OSCR keen for charities to publish annual reports and accounts on OSCR website Move is to widen access and increase charities’ transparency OSCR has asked Scottish Government to change legislation to enable this to be enforced Charity Commission in England currently publish charity annual accounts Visit for further information
Patient Opinion… An independent non-profit website to share experiences of health services in the UK (good & bad) Website informs staff of experiences reported and feedback is received for service users Objective is to help improve and change health services for the better Voluntary sector groups encouraged to use and promote website to users Visit Patient Opinion at
Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs Helpline... Free national confidential helpline for families of those misusing alcohol or drugs Helpline is open seven days a week until 11pm and is free to call on 08080 101011 E-mail support also available at For further information about helpline service, contact Catherine Cush on 0141 221 0544 Classes to help develop skills and Calendar of free 90-minute classes being run across Lanarkshire during August, September and October 2013 For further information, and to book free places, contact 08458 725 132 or e-mail
Social Enterprise Framework... For further info, contact Yvonne McBride at North Lanarkshire Council on 01236 632862 or e-mail Classes to help develop skills and Calendar of free 90-minute classes being run across Lanarkshire during August, September and October 2013 For further information, and to book free places, contact 08458 725 132 or e-mail
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