Benny Solomon Attends HHAI Plays Basketball, soccer, and football Likes playing video games
Andrea Silverman Born: in New York, New York on December 22, 1963 Has 3 children, Benny, Sophie, and Ethan Married to Martin Solomon Likes to cook, travel, watch movies, and shop
Martin Solomon Born: in Albany, New York on July 26, 1954 Married to Andrea Silverman Is a Criminal Defense Lawyer Live in Indianapolis, Indiana Likes basketball, soccer, football, and golf
Judi Bogen Born November 4, 1942 in New York, New York Moved to Indianapolis in October of 1979 Married Irwin Silverman June 25th, 1960 Likes to go to the theater, shopping, and spend time with grandchildren Benny Solomon’s Maternal Grandmother
Ida Rosenbloom Had 1 daughter, Judi Silverman Married to Morris Bogen Liked to sew Died: in July of 1947
Morris Bogen Married to Ida Rosenbloom Died: April 1974 Liked to watch sports, and liked to cook
Esther Schwartz Born: January 28th, 1892 in Cominetz, Russia Died: February 23, 1975 in Albany New York Married Nathan Litt Great Grandmother of Benny Solomon
Nathan Litt Born: October 11th, 1883 in Odessa, Russia Died: October 13th, 1944 in New York, New York Owned delicatessens in Manhattan and Bronx Married Esther Schwartz Benny Solomons Great Grandfather
Anna Wanger Born: April 6, 1890 in Ciechanow, Poland Died: December 4, 1973 in Albany, New York Married Abraham Solomon and they had 6 children Benny Solomons Great Grandmother
Abraham Solomon Born: June 15, 1890 in Ciechanow, Poland Died: August 22, 1976 in Albany, New York Founded Solomon’s Men’s and Boy’s clothing store in Albany, New York. Was Zionist and world traveler. Married Anna Wanger, and had 6 children Benny Solomons Great Grandfather
Mildred Ruth Litt Born: January 26, 1927 in Bronx, New York Died: August 25, 1992 in Indianapolis,IN Married U.S. Judge Bender Solomon on Oct. 28, 1951, in Scheenectady, New York Active in Democrat politics Mother of Noal, Martin, and Mitchell Solomon Benny Solomon’s Grandmother
Bender Solomon Born in Albany, New York on March 30, 1913. Became a lawyer in 1936 and served in U.S. army in WWII. Appointed Federal Judge by President Harry S. Truman in 1946. First Jewish Federal Judge in Albany, New York. Retired in 1982 Married Mildred Litt and had 3 sons who were also lawyers. Was active at Temple Israel in Albany and was Gabbi for many years. Benny Solomon’s Grandfather and namesake.
Irwin Silverman Born in New York city Served in the U.S. army and later married Judi Bogen and had 2 children. Successful career in the printing business Avid stamp collector Has a great passion for cycling Benny Solomon’s maternal Grandfather