HST 332: Age of Dictators, Europe 1850-1914 The Race State The Racial StateIf German people are most concerned about the economy, Hitler has other concerns ミ namely realization of his racial ideology and the successful restarting of the war. In establishing his racial state, it is important to remember that no メfinal solutionモ to the メJewish problemモ was preordained.April 1, 1933 -SA begins organized blockade of Jewish shops.This backfires on party in that people arenユt enthusiastic, is received very poorly overseas.Next move is to expel Jews from all government and educational posts. Hitler must backtrack when Hindenburg insists that decorated veterans not be fired.Aryanization of businesses ミ forced salesJuly 4, 1933 ミ メLaw for the Prevention of Hereditarily Sick Offspringモ over 300,000 sterilizations carried out. Gassings begin in January 1940.September 15, 1935 - Nuremberg LawsIdentify and isolateIdentify ミ Ahnenbuch, catagorization, external markingsIsolate ミ restrictions on business practices, marriage laws.Jewish responseEmigration of well-connected or better-to-do (52%, 2/3 of remainder murdered)Community decision to sponsor emigration of next generationNovember 9, 1938 - Kristalnachtメspontaneousモ response to murder of German diplomat in Paris by a Jewish youthInner regime struggle between radicals and メmoderatesモ for Hitlerユs attentionSerious international repurcussionsEven though Germany was on the brink of war with France and Great Britain, Hitler remained sensitive to the feelings of the British. HST 332: Age of Dictators, Europe 1850-1914
Outline Hitler’s racial ideology Difficulties of implementation Racial science Hierarchies Difficulties of implementation Who’s Jewish? Legal and personal hurdles
Hitlerian “racial science” Different “races” -ethnic groups - have different essential characteristics. A persons characteristics are determined by their “blood” - DNA. The “strength” of a race depends upon the “purity” of their blood.
Hitlerian racial hierarchy Jews Germanic Scandinavian German Dutch English French Italian Spanish Portuguese Latin Poles Czechs Russians Slavic Asians, Africans, Americans
Who’s Jewish Characteristics of Germany’s Jewish community Mostly urban, professional Building upon old ghetto jobs Jews in the countryside Family structure Religious status The reality: a community in decline, only sustained by immigration from the East (Ostjuden) Defining who was Jewish Nazi ideology: blood not religion
Nazi anti-Semitism, 1933-1938 April 1, 1933 boycott April 7, 1933 – Jews expelled from civil service Oct 4, 1933 – Jews excluded from press May 5, 1934 – Jews excluded from medical school exams July 22, 1934 – Jews excluded from law school exams May 21, 1935 – Jews excluded from military service
The Nuremberg Laws http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/nurlawtoc.html
Racial Passport http://www.kroener.info/ahnenpass/kr%F6ner/
Nazi anti-Semitism, 1933-1938 September 15, 1935 – Nuremberg Laws March 26, 1936 – Jews could no longer run pharmacies April 3, 1936 – Jews could no longer practice as vets May 26, 1936 – members of Academy of Fine Arts must be non-Jewish November 4, 1936 – Jews forbidden to use “Heil Hitler” April 15, 1937 – Jews forbidden to receive doctorate April 26, 1938 – all Jewish property valued over 5,000RM must be registered June 15, 1938 – over 1500 Jews arrested and taken to concentration camps as “asocials”
Nazi anti-Semitism, 1933-1938 July 23, 1938 – Jews issued separate ID cards July 25, 1938 – Jewish doctors can treat only Jewish patients August 17, 1938 – Jews must take name of “Sara” or “Israel” September 27, 1938 – Jewish lawyers can only have Jewish clients October 8, 1938 – 17,000 Jews with Polish citizenship are expelled November 7, 1938 – a young Jewish-German émigré kills the number 2 man in Germany’s Paris embassy
Kristallnacht Riots inspired by the SA break out throughout Germany 91 murders 191 synagogues destroyed 7500 Jewish businesses ransacked Mass arrests of Jewish men December – compulsory Aryanization of remaining Jewish firms
Kristallnacht Aftermath for the victims Aftermath for the regime Damage to Jewish property End to hope Increased pace of Jewish emigration Aftermath for the regime Triumph for the radical line International condemnation