Doctor Who By Hanna Ross Core 6.5
Table of Contents Title page Table of contents A doctor like summary The tardis The eleventh doctors companions The actors of the doctor BBC Bibliography
A doctor like summary Doctor who is a British SC-fi television program (produced by BBC). It is about a doctor who is a time lord (time traveler) and the last of his kind. He travels around the world, space and time in his Tardis to help others and have ``fun``. He has one to two companions and many enemies. Sometimes being a time lord isn't easy and it is possible to die. However, he can regenerate when he dies. There have been 11 doctors, same person, just different looks. On his journeys he encounters monsters such as silences, weeping angels, daleks, cyber men, and many more. My favourite doctor is the eleventh doctor.
Inside The Tardis The Tardis is the doctors “transportation”. It is a British police box and is bigger on the inside then the out side if you have observed the picture in the top right corner. The tenth doctor calls it a wobbly wobbly timey wimey time machine. The poem in the top left corner is about the tardis because it’s old, it’s new, it’s borrowed and of course it’s very blue. It was found on the doctor’s home planet and was fixed into a suitable time machine.
The 11th doctor`s companions Amelia Pond Rory Williams When Amelia/Amy is seven years old, living with her Aunt, she meets the doctor. He has just regenerated into the 11th form and she offers him food. The doctor finds a crack in her wall and offers to take her travelling with him. She agrees and goes to pack. When she comes back he’s gone and she waits 20 years for him to come back. He comes back eventually when she’s 27. She makes a great companion because she doesn’t easily attach on to things and isn't to much of a scaredy cat. Rory Williams comes in during the second part of series five. He is married to Amy and goes through difficult times with her. He is actually erased from her memory for a couple episodes and is turned into a robot. Sometimes he questions himself for trusting the doctor because in his mind the doctor is hitting on his wife. He is a loyal husband who has a sturdy job as nurse. He proves his love for Amy by waiting for her for 2000 years. She is played by Karen Gillan Played by Arthur Darvill
The actors of the doctor Names: (12th till 1st) Peter Capaldi Matt Smith David Tennant Chris Eccelston Paul McGann Sylvester McCoy Colin Baker Peter Davison Tom Baker Jon Pertwee Patrick Troughton Richard Hurndall William Hartnell The various actors chosen to play the doctor were very specific, for BBC needed someone who didn’t just play him but looked doctor like and was the character. Every different actor had some choice of what their generation of the doctor was like so they felt just a tad more comfortable. Matt Smith was kind of child like and David Tennant seemed like an uncle. All of these actors are amazing and really cool.
BBC BBC stands for British broadcasting channel as you probably know and they are the producers of Doctor Who. BBC is fairly popular and has lots of shows such as Sherlock, house of cards and Merlin. They broadcast news, sports and of course TV shows. When you audition for a BBC, they take it so seriously that for your audition you have to go into a tiny room with only one window. That is how secret it is. Filming Doctor Who An office in BBC studios
http://www. google. ca/imgres. imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic. giantbomb Bibliography