Maintaining the Drive towards the exams! Year 11
Maintaining the Drive towards the exams Maintaining the Drive towards the exams! Year 11 Results day August 24th How do you want to approach results day? Could you have done anything more? DON’T REGRET!! Iron cross Spinning Process of results day?
Maintaining the Drive! Setting the scene-! YOUR ROUTEWAY TO SEPTEMBER 2017-college/sixth form/apprenticeships-UPDATE PASSPORT TO PROM on July 7th 2017-TSS/NWD will decide your place on your attendance/intervention/behaviour
Setting the scene-TIMELINE! Maintaining the Drive! Setting the scene-TIMELINE! GCSE Exams -2 school weeks to go to exam season! Connexions support May 18th Leavers assembly EXAM SEASON STARTS MAY 18TH 2017-you will receive your own personal timetable for when you should be in lessons or exams on the 15th May by NWD 6 school weeks of the Exam season-MAY 18th TO END OF JUNE Exams-am exam 8.30am start…PM exam 2pm start….clear pencil cases/black pens/calculators for maths and science…need to be in school 15mins before the exam 8 weeks from Exam season to Exam results/24th August=HOLIDAY
Setting the scene! 24TH August 2017 What are we working towards A route to your future-give you an opportunity Reward for all your hard work Self pride DON’T REGRET!! Could you have done anything more? 24TH August 2017
Revision strategies
Switch off your music, put away your phone and focus It is not possible to revise effectively whilst watching television, or playing a game or going online / listening to music!
Dual coding – combining words & visuals. Find visuals in your notes and explain them in your own words Draw images to go along with what you are trying to learn (remember) Try to come up with different ways to represent the information visually, for example an infographic, a timeline, a cartoon strip or a diagram of parts that work together.
Revision technique: Retrieval Practice "Students who can test themselves or try to retrieve material from their memory are going to learn that material better in the long run", says Prof Dunlovsky.
Revision techniques: Test yourself Retrieval Practice Can you recall essential knowledge without looking at your notes? Keep practising until you can Test yourself by writing it down or saying it out loud
Revision techniques: Answer exam questions Retrieval Practice Practice exam questions under timed conditions. This will help improve your technique & show you which topics you know a lot about & which you still have to learn.
Revision techniques: Read / cover / write / check. Repeat Read your notes Cover them up Write down what you can remember Check – did you leave anything out? Repeat Repeat this until you can be confident that you can remember all the material you need to know Retrieval Practice
Revision techniques: Just a minute. Record yourself & play it back Retrieval Practice Can you talk continuously for one minute about a topic you need to revise? Doing this as part of your revision sessions will increase your confidence & highlight areas you need to focus on for further revision
Your best is all anyone expects. No one is perfect TO REDUCE FEELINGS OF ANXIETY AND STRESS… Sleep well – 15 & 16 year olds need 9 hours of sleep per night to function well. Go to bed on time. Eat properly – especially breakfast Exercise – reduces stress Don’t forget there is life after exams
How you could revise!! 1. Split day into 3 sessions-am/pm/evening -work 2 out of 3 2.Work for 30 mins –break for 10mins-return to revise for 30 mins etc 3. Do 4 sessions of 30mins in each session 4. Vary your revision-exam papers/”mind maps”/test each other/copy-cover-check/sticker notes/learn key terms/check out exam board websites for further resources
Setting the scene! 24TH August 2017 What are we working towards A route to your future-give you an opportunity Reward for all your hard work Self pride DON’T REGRET!! Could you have done anything more? 24TH August 2017