Sarah Birch Phyllis Corbin St. Joseph’s College Fostering Teacher Candidates’ Success on the Elementary Education edTPA Sarah Birch Phyllis Corbin St. Joseph’s College
Outline of Presentation Overview of Child Study Major Sophomore and Junior Year Activities Senior Year Activities Boot Camp Student Teaching Fall Semester Student Teaching Spring Semester
Overview of the Child Study Major The major leads to multiple certifications Early Childhood (birth-grade 2) Childhood (grades 1-6) Students with Disabilities: Early Childhood (birth-grade 2) Students with Disabilities: Childhood (grades 1-6) Requirements Core Requirements Humanities, History and Social/Behavioral Sciences, Science, Mathematics and writing Area of Concentration: 30 credits chosen from English, History, Human Relations, Mathematics, Psychology, Science, Spanish, Social Science, Sociology, or Speech Communication
Child Study Courses Freshman Year Sophomore Year Senior Year CS 301 Literacy & Language in the Primary Grades CS 302 Literacy & Language in the Intermediate Grades CS 101: Child Psychology and Development I CS 309 Math & Science Methods in the Elementary School CS 102: Child Psychology and Development II CS 320 Educational Assessment Sophomore Year CS 323 Children with Learning Disabilities CS 121 Psychology of the Exceptional Child CS 324 Special Education: Curriculum, Methods & Materials I CS 208 Early Childhood Curriculum, Methods & Materials CS 325 Special Education: Curriculum, Methods & Materials II CS 210 Preschool Education Practicum Senior Year CS 211 Foundations of Childhood Education CS 352 Classroom Management CS 400 Research in Childhood Education CS 413 Student Teaching in the Elementary School CS 423 Special Education Practicum Junior Year
Danielson and teaching evaluations Roadmap Foundations Senior Year: edTPA Post Graduation: Danielson and teaching evaluations
Evidence Based Practices and Reflection Foundations Course Task CS 211 Context for Learning CS 208, CS 210, CS 301, CS 302, CS 309, CS 324, CS 325 Lesson Plans CS 208, CS 301, CS 302, CS 309, CS 324, CS 325 Instruction (video) CS 301, CS 302, CS 309, CS 324, CS 325, CS 320 Rubric Development Pacing Calendar CS 352 Classroom Management CS 101, CS 102, CS 208, CS 210, CS 211, CS 301, CS 302, CS 309, CS 320, CS 323, CS 324, CS 325, Evidence Based Practices and Reflection
Senior Year Boot Camp Student Teaching
Boot Camp Mandatory For all seniors entering Student Teaching (CS 413 and 423) Provides an overview of the edTPA Skills introduced through coursework Academic language Unpacking the sections of the edTPA Chat and Chew Academic Integrity and Originality Student teaching schedule and submissions
Academic Language
Unpacking the edTPA Exemplars Break out into 4 groups Student Teaching sections Lead by faculty member Exemplar student Guiding questions for each commentary What is the overall purpose of this commentary? What resources do you need to complete this commentary? What do you need to think about BEFORE you start writing the commentary? How do you successfully write to answer the commentary prompts? a. Narrative writing b. Analytical writing c. Reflective writing
Chat and Chew
Supports and Resources on Canvas A variety of helpful documents and links edTPA related documents Handbook Making Good Choices Support documents Lesson Plan Outline Annotated Bibliography Theorists Technical Support Video Support
A Look at Seminar Teaching facets of effective teaching through the lens of the edTPA Each week there is a different focus. Getting to know your school/classroom resources and students Context for learning Lesson planning: Differentiation, Academic language, Instructional modalities, formative and summative assessment: formal and informal, reengagement, evaluation criteria Instruction: Engaging students, classroom management, formative informal and formal assessment, Assessment: Quantitative and Qualitative data Rubrics (construction and use), feedback to students, reengagement, reflections on Instruction.