Making Every Contact Count Why? WMFS could contribute to Health & Wellbeing Agenda Fits WMFS Action Plans (Links: alcohol, smoking and risk of fires & injuries) Proactive prevention & improves awareness of service providers Opportunities – contacts with public during home safety checks Seemed to ‘fit’ with Vulnerable Persons Officer visits ‘Safe’ (ie. not about becoming specialists & other brigades had done training) Potential to improve staff health & wellbeing
Making Every Contact Count What We Did & How? Liaised with Public Health Contacts (Deryn Bishop & Anne McLeod) ‘Alcohol Brief Advice’ and ‘Healthy Lifestyles Team’ training (delivered to Vulnerable Persons Officers) Training was given a ‘fire service’ emphasis A specific ‘aide-memoire for fire service staff’ given out Useful example text of how to broach subject. Ask, Advise Assist OARS: Open Questions, Affirmation, Reflections, Summaries Enable access more funding (including fundraising activities & membership scheme) Enable prevention based activities to be maintained (Including Enabling multi agency projects to be delivered & staff to be employed) Enable flexibility and innovation in delivery of services/projects (eg. employment of sessional & fixed contract staff) Enable closer links with third and private sectors (due to charity status) Provide a good return on investment (potential of funding gained)
Making Every Contact Count Barriers Lack of knowledge/understanding about MECC Lack of understanding of WMFS links to H&WB Lack of confidence in broaching certain issues Lack of awareness of service providers Lack of Information to give to individuals Charitable status gained Board Meetings & AGM held New Directors appointed and …..Roles given to Directors Roles given to Directors (Chair, Company Secretary, Treasurer) Fundraising for insurances carried out (YFA) 3 Funding streams researched and selected for bid submission (Awards For All, the Tudor Trust, Heritage Lottery Fund)
Making Every Contact Count Review? VPOs fill out a report after each visit Level 2 Plan monitors number of signposting referrals MECC will be included in brigade Action Plans MECC training now to be given to operational crews. Development needed for evaluation & outcomes Re-fresh of training? Broad range of pro-active, committed Directors Successful funding submissions & fundraising (including WMFS operational Staff fundraising for the charity) and ……… Delivery & evaluation of successful projects And …………Staff employed by the charity Staff employed by the charity Internal & external awareness of the charity raised (Awareness raising presentations to external agencies etc) And a website created!! A membership scheme established
Ops Crews, Advocates, VPO’s, Activities (Milestones) What activities do you plan to deliver and when by Activities Deadline Inputs What resources are required to deliver your activities (e.g. finance, people equipment) Outputs What will your activities produce, how much and to whom. These are direct, measurable products or services of activities. Short Term Outcomes (0-1 year) Changes in learning, knowledge, skills. These are changes you expect to occur immediately or very soon after the activities are delivered and occur as a direct result of your activities and outputs Intermediate Outcomes (1-2 years) Changes in action, behaviour and practice These are changes you want to occur after the short term outcomes have been achieved. They are the link between the short term outcomes and longer term impact Impact (3 years +) Change in conditions: social, economic, political and environmental. This is change you hope will occur over time. Impact is harder to measure and can be less attributable to the objective because there may be other interventions aiming to achieve the same impact. Work in partnership to improve health and wellbeing through reducing inequalities by addressing the wider social determinates of health within the community April 2014 Ops Crews, Advocates, VPO’s, Fire Control, Partners, Volunteers, ICT, Statistics, CS Team, Ops Commanders, Station Commanders, Station Personnel, VPO Leads Improved staff awareness and understanding of the wider determinates of health related issues and inequalities and WMFS personnel supporting health agenda priorities Increased numbers of partnerships with health organisations and service providers Increased number of people receiving healthy lifestyle information or signposting where appropriate through initial interventions Reduce the number of fires, deaths and injuries Improve the safety, health and well-being of our local communities. All VPO’s and 50% of operational staff to receive Making Every Contact Count [MECC] training and working to embed MECC across the West Midlands WMFS Level 3 Plans: Communities & Partnerships, Performance Management, People Wolverhampton City Strategy: ‘Prosperity for All’ Encouraging enterprise and business Empowering people and communities Re-invigorating our city Also: New Police & Crime Comissioners - Government pushing for community safety provision in borough to be put up for tender by community & voluntary orgs – will be commisioners decision but Gov want this. Ie. Vol & Comm orgs would put expressions of interest in to bid for funding for running services.
Making Every Contact Count Feedback from VPOs “I haven’t personally made referrals with regard to Alcohol use-not yet anyway, but I would certainly feel confident to. I could approach the subject in an appropriate fashion & offer advice”. “I’ve not referred someone back yet but it may be the case when ……. & me visit the ….. family as there are alcohol issues with the family”. “It is still quite hard to broach the subject though, due to not wanting to offend” “It’s good to have the knowledge” “Even for information it was worth it” (doing the training)
Making Every Contact Count Any Questions? Making Every Contact Count